雅思阅读素材:“冰桶挑战”席卷全球 呼吁关注ALS!
The Ice Bucket Challenge, sometimes called the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on one's head or donating to the ALS Association in the United States. It went viral throughout social media.
The challenge required nominated participants to have a bucket of ice water poured on their head. One common stipulation gives 24 hours to complete the dare from the time they are nominated; otherwise, the participant has to donate $100 to charity.
In recent weeks, a number of heavyweights -- including Mark Zuckerberg andMartha Stewart -- have participated in the frigid challenge. Participants are filmed willingly hurling ice over themselves in the name of ALS awareness, then nominate others to do the same within 24 hours or else donate money to an ALS charity.
最近几周,一些重量级人物- 包括马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)、玛莎·斯图尔特(Martha Stewart)在内- 都参加了“冰桶挑战”。以对ALS的关注为名,参加者需要拍摄一段向自己淋冰水的视频,并点名其他人在24小时之内做同样的事,否则就要给ALS基金会捐款。
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has quickly gone from a fundraising campaign to a viral Internet sensation, raising $15.6 million so far for the ALS Association. Bill Gates posts a video of him dumping ice water on himself in response to a challenge to Mark Zuckerberg.
On Sunday, Ethel Kennedy, the widow of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, partook in the challenge with a number of her relatives in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, and challenged Obama to get involved, too.
上周日,已故参议员罗伯特·F·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy)的遗孀、埃塞尔·肯尼迪(Ethel Kennedy),在海恩尼斯港(Hyannis Port),马萨诸塞州与她的一些亲戚接受了“冰桶挑战”,并向奥巴马下战帖。
It was the 86-year-old's way of "welcoming" the president to the area, since the first family was vacationing in Cape Cod.
The president politely declined, but still offered to do his part.
"The president appreciates Mrs. Kennedy thinking of him for the challenge -- though his contribution to this effort will be monetary," Obama said in a statement issued through spokesman Eric Schultz, the Boston Globe reported. "The president will be making a donation to an ALS charity this week."
According to CBS DC, Obama will donate $100 to an undisclosed charity that fights ALS.
Kennedy should be pleased that her encouragement got the military's commander-in-chief to get involved on some level, since she believes that’s a sign of a successful initiative.