雅思阅读材料:facekini脸基尼大妈再掀时尚热潮 荣登法国时尚杂志
中国大妈又火了。这次不是广场舞,而是“脸基尼”大妈们直接进了法国时尚界!2012年被《美国周刊》命名为脸基尼(facekini)的青岛大妈防晒神头套今夏再度走红,一路杀入法国时尚圈,为前法国版Vogue主编所办时尚杂志CR Fashion Book提供灵感,成为其一期《Masking in the Sun》主题照片的主打元素,中国大妈再次引领新潮流,荣登高大上的法国时尚杂志《Vogue》。接下来就跟北京爱思学雅思小编来看看新闻是如何评论的:
CR Fashion Book, founded by French editor Carine Roitfeld, has published a series of fashion shoots entitled Masking in the Sun, and the face-covering outfits are widely believed to have drawn inspiration from the "facekini" initially worn by middle-aged Chinese women swimmers to protect against sunlight, Southern Metropolis Daily reported.
Facekini refers to nylon masks which cover the head, revealing only the eyes, nose, and mouth, and the word was supposedly coined in 2012 after photos of Qingdao women wearing them to counteract blazing sun went viral on the Internet, and were selected as the most astonishing photos by TIME.
Netizens have said that following the gold purchase rush, which affected global gold prices, and square dancing, facekini is the third biggest contribution that Chinese Dama, or middle-aged women, have made to the world.
“脸基尼”facekini一词源于“比基尼”bikini,专指这种“包裹整个头面部、甚至颈部,只露出眼睛和口鼻的尼龙头套”。The fabric masks cover a swimmer's entire head and neck down to the collar bones. Holes are cut for eyes, nostrils and mouth.除了facekini,源自“bikini”的词还有“tankini”,指“上装背心式,下装比基尼式三角泳裤的女泳装”:a swimsuit for women that combines a tank top with a bikini bottom.