Some people believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn and should not pay any tax to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 很多人可能抱怨是一个沉重的负担,因为税减少他们的可支配收入。
2. 我觉得我们需要交税,因为没有税的话,社会很难运转。
主体部分第一段:中心句(经济资源)+举例1+举例2+对比(附加观点 个人福利)+举例
3. 有了税收,政府可以资助公共设施项目,包括道路、学校,还有医院。
4. 没有一个好的公共交通系统,人们上下班很困难,而交通堵塞会影响效率。
5. 公立学校可以给小孩提供教育机会,让他们获得知识,这对经济也有好处。
6. 这些公共项目一般不会得到私企的资助,因为利润不高。
7. 我们也需要意识到:政府通过税收可以达到财富再分配的目的。
8. 例如,在很多国家,高收入的人一般要交很高的税,而低收入群体甚至会得到国家的资助。
9. 政府收税,可以规范人的行为。
10. 人们很多时候不能表现自制,很难改变一些不好的习惯。
11. 例如,对香烟的酒征收重税可以减少人们在这些方面的消费。
12. 人们可以更加健康,医疗系统的压力也会减少。
13. 人们没有动力勤奋工作,而创业者也不想创业。
14. 钱对很多人来说是一个动力,因为人们可以过更好的生活,也可以获得成就感。
15. 没有这些人的勤奋工作,展现自己的才华,一个国家不可能变得富裕,福利系统也难以为继。
16. 我深信税是经济的命脉,虽然过高的税对经济有一定的负面影响。
1. Many people regard tax as a burden, because it can reduce their disposable income.
2. I think that we need to pay tax, because without tax revenue, the society cannot function appropriately.
3. If the government has tax revenue, public facilities such as roads, schools and hospitals can receive more funds from the state.
4. Without a great public transport system, commuters find it difficult to travel to and from work, and traffic congestion could reduce work efficiency.
5. Public schools can provide children with educational opportunities and enable these young students to gain knowledge, which is beneficial to economic growth.
6. These projects or services are normally funded by the private sector, because of the low profit margin.
7. We should also recognize that the government can achieve the goal of income redistribution by taxation.
8. For example, in many countries, the high income group needs to pay high tax, while the low income group can get assistance from the government.
9. Levying taxes can regulate people’s behavior.
10. People fail to show self-restraint sometimes and cannot change some bad habits.
11. For example, the heavy tax on cigarette and alcohol discourages people from spending on these items.
12. This change can improve the well-being of people and ease the pressure on the medical system.
13. People may not have the incentive to work hard and entrepreneurs are also not willing to set up a business.
14. Money is a great motivator for most people because the can improve living standards and gain a sense of accomplishment.
15. Without the hard work of these people and their willingness to show their talents, a country would not become prosperous and the welfare system could not be sustained.
16. I am convinced that taxes are the lifeblood of the economy although high taxes can have an adverse effect on economic growth.
中心句要对应题目:1. 对应题目的类型(观点类或其他);2. 要回答题目的问题
Many people regard tax as a burden, because it can reduce their disposable income. I think that we need to pay tax, because without tax revenue, the society cannot function appropriately.
If the government has tax revenue, public facilities such as roads, schools and hospitals can receive more funds from the state. Without a great public transport system, commuters find it difficult to travel to and from work, and traffic congestion could reduce work efficiency. Public schools can provide children with educational opportunities and enable these young students to gain knowledge, which is beneficial to economic growth. Private investors are normally not interested in transport links and schools, which do not generate considerable profits.
Levying taxes can regulate people’s behavior and encourage them, especially those who sometimes fail to show self-restraint, to break bad habits. For example, the heavy tax on cigarette and alcohol discourages people from spending on these items. The resulting lifestyle change can improve their health and reduce hospital visits, thereby easing the pressure on the medical system.
On the other hand, if taxpayers are subject to high taxes, they may not have the incentive to work hard and entrepreneurs are also not willing to set up a business. Money is a great motivator for most people because the can improve living standards and gain a sense of accomplishment. Without the hard work of these people and their willingness to show their talents, a country would not become prosperous and the welfare system could not be sustained.
Overall, I am convinced that taxes are the lifeblood of the economy although high taxes can have an adverse effect on economic growth.