干货!雅思口语Part1 新季度新题 Films
干货!雅思口语Part1 新季度新题 Films
Part 1 Films
1. What films do you like?
2. Did you often watch films when you were a child?
3. Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?
4. Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?
5. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?
今天给大家带来的是9-12月雅思新题当中的一道喜好类的题,这道题其实是非常日常的题目,大家在以往的几个季度中或多或少都有在其他的题目中见到跟电影相关的内容(比如说这个季度fishing的话题,上上个季度outer space and stars都有题目单独问到跟电影有关的内容),这次BC终于给大家把这个话题出出来了,而仔细看题目发现只有第一个话题是跟电影本身有关系的,而其他的话题都跟生活习惯有关,所以大家只需要把以前回答过的语料拿来二次利用就可以啦。
Romance 爱情片
Comedy 喜剧片
Suspense/detective 悬疑片/侦探片
Action 动作片
Drama 剧情片
Scientific fiction/sci-fi movie 科幻片
Animation 动画片
Thriller 惊悚片
Element 元素
Reveal 揭露,显露
Ceremony 仪式,典礼
Accompany 陪伴
Comfy comfortable的口语形式
1. I like to watch romance mostly, but the romantic films that I have watched also have the element of comedy and drama. Like Definitely, Maybe, the movie is about who is the mother of the main character’s daughter, but more surprisingly, the main character, Will, be with another female character instead of his daughter’s mother.
2/3. No, never! Because there’s only one movie theater in my hometown and it is not a cinema actually. There were always many celebrations and ceremonies held in that theater so many movies couldn’t be on so we have very little chance to watch films when I was young.
4. Actually, I mostly go to cinema with my father! He is a movie lover and since he has retired, he has got more free time for entertainment, so when he has spare time he usually asks me to accompany him to watch films. (And because my mother is not interested in watching movies at all!)
5. I think it is. Movie theater has got very comfy environment, you know, air-conditioning, armchair and things like that. Also, watching movies means you don’t have to walk a lot with your friends, which could be somewhat tiring.
以上就是关于《干货!雅思口语Part1 新季度新题 Films》介绍。爱思学,您的教育规划师,提供全国雅思培训机构课程免费试听,快速了解费用明细,排名、校区地址,欢迎咨询预约400-808-1765。