雅思写作 | 文化类话题值得记住的外刊原版句子
Antiquated ideas should be done away with. 过时的观念应当被摒弃
antiquated[ˈæntɪkweɪtɪd] 陈旧的,过时的。这个词汇可以代替英文写作中经常出现的old以及outdated,例如,antiquated words 过时的词汇。例句Many rules are so antiquated that they are not worth saving. 的很多规则太过陈旧,所以不值得去保留。
Though many long-standing traditions have disappeared over the years, some traditions such as the family gathering at Christmas are still appealing today.虽然许多为时甚久的传统逐渐消失,但是仍旧有一些传统,例如圣诞节聚会仍旧深具魅力。
long-standing adj. 长期存在的,经常搭配一些问题,现象。比如longstanding poverty 由来已久的贫困;long-standing issues 长久以来的问题。在写作中,大家经常会用long-term这个词,但是其实很多时候可以用long-standing来进行替换。比如外刊中的这句话就可以完美用到雅思写作中:we should now intensify our efforts to finally solve this long-standing problem without losing momentum. 我们现在应加紧努力,最后解决这一长期问题,以免失去动力。
appealing adj 吸引人的 写作中最常见的一个核心搭配:be appealing to 对...有吸引力。例句:No matter what brand or how powerful a tablet is ,it is the associated apps that make the tablet even more appealing to users. 不管是什么品牌或功能强大的平板电脑, 它是相关联的应用程序,使平板电脑用户更有吸引力。
An advanced civilisation must not limit its efforts to preserving itself, but must give full support to assimilate good values from other civilisations.先进的文明不能仅保存自己,还要尽力吸取其他文明的优点。
assimilate [əˈsɪməleɪt] v. 同化,吸收; assimilate本身表示“成为其中的一部分” 比如 The European Union should remain flexible enough to assimilate more countries quickly.欧盟应该保持足够的灵活性,以加快步伐吸收更多的国家为其成员。还经常与知识信息搭配,比如 assimilate knowledge 吸收知识,assimilate information吸收消化信息。 assimilate也可以引申为“吸收营养” 比如 assimilate vitamins 吸收维生素。
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