3月20日雅思大作文示范写作 | 大学生应该专修嘛?_雅思写作
Students in university education should develop specialists in one subject area rather than develop a wider range of different subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many university-leavers are plagued by the increasing unemployment rate, which can be partly ascribed to the limited scope of knowledge. While some still argue that students in tertiary education should specialise in one subject domain, I regard such an argument as short-sighted and even preposterous.
审题一定要注意「rather than」:重点讨论对象为rather than之前的“specialists”,后面的“a wider range of different subjects”起对比论证作用。立场:不同意。
Ø plague vt. 困扰
Ø be ascribed to 被归因于
Ø short-sighted adj. 短视的
Ø preposterous adj. 荒谬的
Body 1
Irrefutably, it is justifiable for some to advocate that specialization is more of a blessing for many reasons. One of the most notable one is that such an educational mode allows students to have a deep understanding of one subject area so that they are able to excel in their chosen field. In other words, specialisation gives them the opportunities for a more thorough exploration of particular subject and the development of skills and knowledge specific to that field. In this sense, compared with the students who try to develop a wider range of subjects only to find themselves to be jacks-of-all-trades, those students are more likely to be nurtured into elites in certain fields and thus secure a decent job.// However, developing a wider range of subjects never means that each field shares equal importance; instead, students should select a domain as their major, with other subjects chosen as minor courses.
<让步-应该专精>:对特定领域有更深入的理解 à 更可能被培养成某领域的人才,找到不错的工作;[对比论证] 关注多科,可能会成为“杂而不精的人” // <反驳> 多科不等于全科同等重要,学生只是对其他领域有所了解即可。
Ø specialisation n. 专门化
Ø excel vi. 擅长,突出
Ø jack-of-all-trades n.[C] 杂而不精的人
Ø elite n.[C] 精英
Ø secure vt. 获得
Body 2
As a matter of fact, behind specialisation are more potential losses. To start with, it restrains students’ all-round development. In contrast, a broader education provides a more well-rounded perspective and allows for the cultivation of a range of transferable skills. Exposure to an array of subjects can stimulate creativity and critical thinking skills and can help students to make connections between different fields. Additionally, such a mode in effect fails to meet the demand in the job market. Even though it seems to fit the need for expertise in some industries with the division of labour more specialised, in reality, there is still the surging demand for versatile talents who at least have a glimpse into other related domains. There are either instances where programmers ought to be equipped with knowledge regarding natural language processing to make robots better understand people’s instructions or cases where interpreters should know the terms in various fields so that they can better convey the original meanings or even emotions to target receivers.
<立论-不应该专精> 1. 专精具有局限性 [对比] 多门课培养多维思考能力; 2. 不符合就业形势:很多就业岗位需要对其他领域有浅显的了解 [举例证明]
transferable adj. 可转移的
stimulate vt. 刺激
division of labour 社会分工
versatile adj. 多才多艺的
programmer n.[C] 程序员
instruction n.[C] 指令
interpreter n.[C] 口译员
In conclusion, while specialisation can be advantageous in certain circumstances, a broader education is ultimately more valuable.