11月4日雅思大作文 (范文)西式服装悄然兴起的原因与影响
In many countries, people wear more western-style clothes (e.g. jeans and T-shirts) than their traditional clothes. Why is this the case? Is this a positive or negative development?
Fervor for decking out in distinctive and customary apparel appears to have waned in recent decades, while jeans and T-shirts have been a staple part of one’s wardrobe. There are various explanations for this upswing in western clothing sales.
❖ fervor 热情 n.
❖ deck out 打扮/ 穿着 v.
❖ customary apparel 传统服装
❖ waned 消退
❖ a staple part 主要部分
❖ upswing 上升 n.
Body 1
Being an antithesis of extravagant traditional saris or kimonos, a wardrobe of pared-down and worn-in denim or cotton garments allows for maximum comfort and coziness, which is increasingly valued as a calming tool to navigate drifts and swings in modern daily life marked by unflattering commuting hours, unstable employments and rising cost of living. This, along with ever-present advertisements of western-styled outfits, has resulted in a precipitous drop in interest in complex antique apparel. In other circumstances, rewriting one’s outer identity is made possible by one’s western-designed clothing, which might wear off one’ monoethnic outlook.
❖ antithesis 对立面
❖ saris 纱丽
❖ kimonos 和服
❖ pared-down 简约设计的adj.
❖ worn-in adj.穿旧的,磨损的:指衣物、鞋子等经过一段时间的穿着,呈现出舒适、自然的状态。
❖ denim 斜纹粗棉布n.
❖ navigate 航行于v.
❖ coziness 舒适 n.
❖ drifts and swings 飘浮和波动 n.
❖ unflattering 不愉快的 adj.
❖ precipitous 陡峭的adj. 剧烈的
❖ rewriting outer identity重写外在身份
❖ monoethnic 单一民族的adj.
Body 2
Although frowning upon flippy and flappy traditional gowns in favor of more reserved silhouettes is becoming increasingly trendy, its negative ramifications should be investigated. The first risk relates to a deprived sense of national uniqueness. With personal grooming leaning toward western style, it is easy to predict an unnecessary extinction of cultural variety on a global scale, especially when there are feeble initiatives to revitalize authentic local cultures. The second threat relates to values. One’s path to a broader perspective, for example, may be hampered by the so-called mainstream of clothing code, whose estrangement could lead to exclusion as a hermit.
❖ frown upon 皱眉头/表示不喜欢
❖ flippy and flappy 形容衣物过于宽松以及修饰物过多
❖ reserved silhouettes 保守的侧面影/轮廓
❖ ramifications 负面影响
❖ lean toward 倾向于
❖ an unnecessary extinction 可以避免的灭绝现象
❖ feeble initiatives薄弱的举措
❖ revitalize 使恢复生机 v.
❖ path to 道路
❖ hamper 阻碍
❖ estrangement 隔阂 n.
❖ hermit隐士
In essence, aversion to attire derived from one’s ancestors has the potential to radically obliterate collective memory of the past, lurching from one identity crisis to the next.
❖ aversion to 厌恶
❖ obliterate 抹去
❖ collective memory 共同记忆
❖ lurch 突然倾斜 v.
以上就是关于《11月4日雅思大作文 (范文)西式服装悄然兴起的原因与影响》介绍。爱思学,您的教育规划师,提供全国雅思培训机构课程免费试听,快速了解费用明细,排名、校区地址,欢迎咨询预约400-808-1765。