除了这两天刚刚爆出的iPhone 6 Plus“掰弯门”和iOS“升级门”以外,这些年苹果还受到过不少“门事件”的困扰。以下是带来的雅思阅读精品材料是关于苹果这些年的“门事件”的双语新闻,供大家赏析。
Apple AAPL -0.87% seems incapable of doing wrong. It’s a huge company delivering tech products to the masses (and with 10 million iPhone 6s sold in just three days, we do mean masses). But it is, in fact, fallible.
作为一家向广大群众提供科技产品的大公司(鉴于iPhone 6开售三天之内就卖出了1000万台,说“广大群众”是名至实归),苹果(Apple)似乎是一家不可能犯错的公司。但事实上,苹果也会犯错。
Today, the tech giant hammered that point home with two gaffes: Bendgate and updategate, as reported by Fortune.Bendgate centers on the new iPhone 6 Plus, which is so thin that it can be warped or broken if sat on. Updategate is revolves around the latest update to Apple iOS and the fact that it can cause phones to lose cellular service and disable their fingerprint unlocking system.
就在最近几天,苹果又爆出了“掰弯门”和“升级门”。“掰弯门”主要集中在iPhone 6 Plus上,超薄设计导致这款手机很容易被一屁股坐弯或坐坏。“升级门”则主要围绕iOS系统的一次升级,它可能导致iPhone无法使用蜂窝服务和指纹解锁系统。
Of course, over the years, Apple has messed up a number of times, both small and large. Here are a few of those tech and retail-related errors:
1. Antennagate
In 2010, some customers who bought the newly released iPhone 4 complained about reception problems when they held the phone a certain way. Allegedly, their grip blocked the internal antennae and prevented them from making calls. Then-CEO Steve Jobs vehemently defended the iPhone, although he admitted that it could lose reception if gripped by the lower left corner. As a result, the company gave out free cases to owners to fix the problem. "This has been blown so out of proportion that it's incredible," Jobs said. "There is no Antennagate."
2010年,有些刚刚购买了新发布的iPhone 4的消费者称,当他们以某种方式持握iPhone 4时,会出现信号接收问题。据说这是因为他们的手挡住了手机内部的天线,导致手机无法接打电话。时任CEO史蒂夫•乔布斯激烈地为iPhone 4辩护,但他自己也承认,如果握住手机的左下角,可能会导致手机失去信号。为了解决这个问题,苹果公司决定向用户赠送免费保护套。乔布斯说:“这个问题被难以置信地夸大了,根本没有什么‘天线门’。”
2. Apple Maps
Apple Maps, introduced in 2012, turned out to be a mess. The company cut ties with Google by building its own free mobile maps for iOS 6 users. But while it looked pretty, it wasn't entirely functional. Roads led no where. Driving directions were suspect. Complaints reached such a frenzy that CEO Tim Cook publicly apologized. "At Apple, we strive to make world-class products that deliver the best experience possible to our customers," he said in a statement. "With the launch of our new Maps last week, we fell short on this commitment." Even more astounding, Cook mentioned alternative mapping products to use, including Google, Nokia, Bing and MapQuest.
2012年推出的“苹果地图”也被证明是一个失败之作。苹果希望通过构建自己的免费地图应用,使iOS 6用户摆脱对谷歌(Google)的依赖。不过尽管苹果地图是款漂亮的产品,它的功能却并不完全可靠。除了“无头路”的问题,驾驶方向也不靠谱。由于用户的抱怨达到了“群情激愤”的程度,CEO蒂姆•库克只好公开道歉。他在一份声明中表示:“苹果公司努力研制的产品,为我们的顾客提供的体验。但是我们上周发布的地图应用却没能实现这个承诺。”更令人吃惊的是,库克还建议用户先使用其它替代地图产品,包括谷歌、诺基亚(Nokia)、Bing和 MapQuest等。
3. Button-less iPod Shuffle
没有按钮的iPod Shuffle
It was an iPod Shuffle, but curiously without buttons. Steve Jobs was accused of waging war against buttons with the product's 2009 launch. Did Apple put design over function? That became a central question in media reports about the new product. In order to change music and make it work, users would use buttons on the earphone cord to change music and fast-forward.
这是一款iPod Shuffle,但奇怪的是,它没有任何按钮。这款产品于2009年推出时,外界普遍认为乔布斯是要打一场彻底消灭按钮的战役。当时各大媒体纷纷置疑苹果是否走上了重设计、轻功能的路子。用户必须通过耳机线上的按钮进行改变曲目或快进等操作。
4. MobileMe
Apple's first foray into cloud computing was a disaster. Launched in 2008, the service was supposed to synchronize email, calendars and address books. But instead, the service suffered from numerous glitches and outages. In fact, Jobs is said to have become enraged with the product after the launch, calling it "not up to Apple standards." He also allegedly fired the head of the MobileMe team in front of the rest of the division, according to The Guardian.
苹果向云计算的进军最终演变成一场灾难。MobileMe发布于2008年,旨在对电子邮件、日历和通讯录进行同步,但它在实际运行中小毛病不断。据说乔布斯本人也对这款产品大发脾气,称它“没有达到苹果的标准”。据《卫报》(The Guardian)称,乔布斯还当着整个MobileMe团队的面,将这个项目的负责人炒了鱿鱼。
5. iPhone price cut
In 2007, the original iPhone got a price cut. That may not seem like a big deal, except it happened just months after the phone's release. The cut? $200. The abrupt drop let to angry customers and Jobs apologizing for the mistake. "Our early customers trusted us, and we must live up to that trust with our actions in moments like these," he said at the time. As a result, early buyers received $100 in Apple Store credit.
2007年,代iPhone进行了一次降价。这貌似不是什么大问题,只不过它发生在这款手机刚刚上市后的几个月,降价幅度达到200美元。这次突然降价令已经购机的机主愤怒不已,也逼得乔布斯为这个错误亲自道歉:“我们的早期顾客信任我们,我们必须在这种时刻,以我们的实际行动承担起这种信任。”最后,iPhone的早期购机者获得了Apple Store的100美元代金券。
6. "Hockey puck" mouse
Apple's mouses are typically oval. But in 1998, it introduced one that resembled a hockey puck. The product, which was the first USB-powered mouse released by Apple, was tough to use and ended up with the onscreen cursor moving in the wrong direction. After about two years, Jobs revised the design in favor of an oval-shaped mouse.