今天推送的是11月18日·托福考题分析. 以下思路和范文仅供同学们学习·参考。
托福综合写作是Zimbabwe的function是什么呀 三个theory 为什么不对啊
you will make a strategy… to do lists是不是有效的时间管理策略
审题注意点 :
(1) “to do lists 是不是有效的时间管理策略 ” 需要我们回答的是,是否有效。如果同意,我们就分析-在管理时间上的好处; 不同意,就分析to do lists带来的问题。
(2) “to do lists” -要做事情清单。这个内容大家应该不陌生。大部分同学应该都有计划,安排过每天,每周,每月要做的事项。
9月20日·托福·写作考情分析 | 让我看看哪些同学是旅游特种兵
This week we talked about how important taking time off formwork or school is for people's well-being. Some people believe they get the most benefit when that time off is structured: that is it involves planning in advance about what will be accomplished on that day. Others believe it is better to enjoy the day with no plan for how to spend it. In this discussion post please indicate which of those approaches to spending time off from work or school you prefer and why?
(3) 可行的分论点角度。
- 做计划清单,可以让时间管理更有效,生活更充实。现在人每天都要应付很多事情,比如学业,工作,家务,还要挤时间出来放松娱乐。所以如果没有提前做好安排,就容易遗忘重要事项,或者生活被工作占满,没时间让自己放松。
- 不做计划安排,可以更好地享受生活,应对生活。因为生活中总有很多意外和不按照计划出现的事情。比如,我们安排好第二天要去健身或者跟朋友出去逛街。但是第二天我们没有心情出门,或者老板突然叫我们去加班。所以这些事情,提前计划没有太多意义,我们只有跟着现实情况而变化。
I strongly endorse using detailed to-do lists for effective daily scheduling. These lists are crucial for living a fulfilling life, especially when balancing studies, work, and household chores. Without a well-planned schedule, I risk either neglecting vital tasks or becoming overwhelmed, leaving no time for relaxation. Therefore, I diligently prepare daily, weekly, and even yearly to-do lists. This habit has enabled me to simultaneously complete my master's degree and run a company.
Admittedly,life is full of unforeseen events, such as pandemics or unexpected changes in plans. However, these can be managed by adapting our to-do lists. For instance,during the pandemic, instead of in-person meetings, my team and I switched to telecommuting, demonstrating flexibility in the face of adversity.
In conclusion, to-do lists are invaluable for maximizing time efficiency. They allow for the smooth juggling of multiple commitments and provide a framework to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. Consequently, it is wise to incorporate to-do lists into our daily planning.(160字)