Academic Discussion-technology
Your professor is teaching a class on technology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response you should:
lexpress and support your opinion
lmake a contribution to the discussion
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You will have 10 minutes to write it.
Dr. Achebe
People today are almost never free from their electronic devices. They constantly monitor their phones, exchange texts and photo, mind their social media pages and engage in countless other plugged-in pursuits. But a growing number of people are beginning to question this practice. They believe that an overdependence on electronic devices is harmful to their health, their relationships, and perhaps their humanity. Accordingly, they adopt and recommend deliberate “tech-free time” during which they avoid the use of the technologies so prevalent in the world around them. What do you think and why?
Our livelihoods can not be separated from electronic devices and technology equipment. The technology impact our social development a lot, and it gives us a lot of ways to enjoy our life.Most people cannot stay away from their digital devices even if they want to. Either their livelihoods of family relationships depend on being constantly connected, or else they are simply addicted to their devices and cannot break free.
Some tech-free time is essential for restoring us to our true selves. Our devices keep us from experiencing and appreciating the real world around us. Excessive use of electronic devices can be detrimental to our health.Without a time limit, children can be addicted easily and their mental health will suffer as well.
成熟的技术sophisticated technology
尖端技术cutting-edge technology
科技进步technological advances
科技创新technological innovation
非常先进的adj. state-of-the-art
尖端的adj. cutting-edge
彻底变革vt. revolutionize
自动化的adj. automated
机械化的adj. mechanized
电脑生成的adj. computer-generated
组装线assembly line
省钱的adj. cost-effective/ economical
深刻改变vt. transform
突破n. breakthrough
打破(传统的)界限break boundaries
无限的可能endless possibilities
发展v&n. advance
信息过剩information overload
信息炸information explosion
自给自足n. self-sufficiency
虚拟世界the virtual world
脱离现实be detached from reality
(电脑的)摄像头 n. webcam
不可想象的adj. inconceivable
远程通讯n. telecommunications
高生产率的adj. productive
自动化n. automation
可利用的adj. available
新颖的adj. novel
耐用的adj. durable
对用户友好的,方便使用的adj. user-friendly
常规的adj. conventional
增进,提高vt. enhance = boost
加速speed up/ accelerate
生产,制造vt. manufacture
标准化的adj. standardized
印刷机printing press
电报n. telegraph
在家远程上班n. telecommuting
网络银行(业务) online banking
提高效率augment/enhance/ boost efficiency
提高生产效率augment/ enhance/ boost productivity
减少人力的机器labor-saving machinery
取代人力的机器labor-replacing machinery
自动化n. automation
创新n. innovations
有独创性的,精巧的adj. ingenious
以惊人的速度at a staggering rate
超轻的adj. ultra-lightweight
超薄的adj. ultra-thin
便携的adj. portable
天线n. antenna
尖端的技术cutting-edge technology
后息世information explosion (or over-load)
后息时代the information age (or era)
互联网的广泛应用the proliferation of the Internet/ the extensive use of the
Internet, the widespread use of the Internet
科技创新及发展technological innovations/inventions/advances/ progressions
信息时代the information age (era)
方便convenient ; convenience
舒适comfortable ; comfort
效率efficient ; efficiency
灵活flexible ; flexibility
虚拟空间virtual space
互联网的广泛使用the widespread (extensive) use of the Internet
互联网的到来the advent of the Internet
互联网的普及the proliferation of the Internet
更多渠道获取信息have more access to information; access more information on
网络数据库line database
科技发明technological inventions
发展advance &n.
网络图书馆on-line library
电子书electronic books
社交网站social network site
网络社交social networking
面对面交流face-to-face communication
社会孤立social isolation; become isolated; sense of isolation
保持联系stay in touch with ; contact
没有地理阻碍without geographical barriers (restrictions)
侵入私人生活invade people`s private lives
黑客hacker hack (into)
生产线assembly line; production line
人工智能artificial intelligence
智能机器intelligent machine
机器生产的产品machine-made product
提高生产力enhance (or boost/promote) efficiency or productivity
自动化automation; automatically
以惊人的速度at a staggering (or astonishing) rate
信息时代the information age (or era)
信息爆炸information explosion (or overload)
促进交流promote (or facilitate) communication
获取更多的信息have (or gain) more access to information
使用/接近/可以利用have access to
以不同的方式获取信息obtain information in various ways
鼠标一点with the click of a mouse
键盘一敲with the click on the keyboard
地理上的阻碍geographical barrier
多产的,高生产率的 Productive
生产力,生产率 productivity
机器、机械(总称) Machinery
减少人力的机器labor-saving machinery
取代人力的机器labor-replacing machinery
传统的手段/方法traditional way of/coventional method of..
网上零售商Online retailer
零售市场retail market
基因的,遗传的 genetic
转基因食品genetically modified food
生物技术n. biotechnology
克隆v. clone
器官移植organ transplant
心脏起排器n. pacemaker
防弹背心bulletproof vest
人的基因构成one`s genetic makeup/one`s DNA programming
外科手术n. surgery
采用vt. adopt
发射卫星launch the satellite
太空技术space technology
探索太空explore the outer space
登月land on the moon(v) ; moon landing(n)
发射(载人)航天飞机launch the (manned) space flight
智能生物intelligent being
便宜航空cheap air travel
先进的交通工具advanced means /mode of transport
我人登月manned landing on the Moon
载人航天器manned spacecraft
酒讯卫星telecommunications satellite
气象卫weather satellite/ meteorological satellite
发射台launch pad
哈勃太空望远镜the Hubble Space Telescope
远程通讯n. telecommunications
太空探索space exploration/ space probe