【真题1-the surface of Mars】中对于火星表面的知识
【真题2-Life on Mars】是托福听力中考察关于火星上的生命的知识
Another prominent feature of Mars's surface is cratering.The Mariner spacecraft found that the surface of Mars,as well as that of its two moons,is pitted with impact craters formed by meteoroids falling in from space.As on our Moon,the smaller craters are often filled with surface matter-mostly dust-confirming that Mars is a dry desert world.However,Martian craters get filled in considerably faster than their lunar counterparts.On the Moon,ancient craters less than 100 meters across(corresponding to depths of about 20 meters)have been obliterated,primarily by meteoritic erosion.On Mars,there are relatively few craters less than 5 kilometers in diameter.The Martian atmosphere is an efficient erosive agent,with Martian winds transporting dust from place to place and erasing surface features much faster than
meteoritic impacts alone can obliterate them.
There's been a lot of talk recently about life on Mars,at the level of microorganisms anyway,mainly because of a few important discoveries and inventions.For example,one major discovery was that at one point water was present on Mars.How do we know?Well,in 2004,an exploration robot discovered jarosite there.
Jarosite is a yellowish-brown mineral with a crystalline structure that's also found on Earth.It contains iron,potassium,and hydroxide.The interesting thing is that on Earth at least,it needs highly acidic water to form.So we've got water...or had it at one point.And since most planetary scientists believe that water is essential to life,the presence of jarosite means that one prerequisite for life was once present on Mars.
火星Mars,是距离太阳第四近的行星,直径是地球的一半,表面覆盖着橘红色的氧化铁(Ferric Oxide);火星核中的铁(iron)、镁(magnesium)和硫化铁(ferric sulfide)可能含带较多的硫(sulfur)。
火星大气以二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)为主(95.3%),加上氮气(nitrogen)(2.7%)、氩气(argon)(1.6%)和微量的氧气(oxygen)(0.15%)和水汽(vapor)(0.03%)组成的。大气密度只有地球的大约1%,非常干燥,温度低,表面平均温度零下55℃,水和二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)易冻结。火星大气层与地球大气层都有氮(nitrogen)存在,这是火星与地球最大的相似之处。
火星基本上是沙漠行星,地表沙丘(dune)、砾石(gravel)遍布,没有稳定的液态水体,以二氧化碳为主的大气既稀薄又寒冷,沙尘悬浮其中,每年常有尘暴发生。与地球相比,地质活动不活跃,而另一个独特的地形特征是南北半球的明显差别:北方是被熔岩(lava)填平的低原(lowland),南方则是充满陨石坑的古老高地(highland),而两者之间以明显的斜坡分隔;火山地形穿插其中,众多峡谷亦分布各地,南北极则有以干冰(固态的二氧化碳)和水冰组成的极冠(polar cap),风成沙丘亦广布整个星球。火星上有大的火山—奥林帕斯山和最大的峡谷—水手号峡谷(gorge)。火星全球勘测者高解析照片也发现数百个在陨石坑和峡谷边缘上的沟壑(gully)它们趋向坐落于南方高原、面向赤道的陨石坑(crater)壁上。