如何用好用的框架让你的雅思口语Part 3说得长说得好?
近些年,每次考完口语,都会听到同考场的考生说“Part 3太难了”,“Part 1和Part 2还行,Part 3有点拉胯”,“Part 3就说了两三句”。
诸多感慨,不难看出,Part 3确实有难度。
更让人难过的是,考官其实多少也知道我们Part 1和Part 2有备而来,所以会很看重我们在Part 3的表现。
虽然没有题库,但有些题型确很常见,今天我就以三类常见题型为例给大家详细说说,如何用好用的框架让你的Part 3说得长说得好,还能事半功倍。
题型1:Past VS Present
• Are the kinds of people who are famous today different from the past?
• Have people’s leisure activities changed compared to the past?
• Have people’s shopping habits changed over the last decade?
✅ 答题思路:
✅ 答题结构:
Absolutely, without a doubt.
In the past …
Nowadays though, it seems that …
So …
✅ 例题演练:
• Have people’s leisure activities changed compared to the past?
Absolutely, without a doubt. In the past, people connected on a personal level and appreciated simpler pleasures, such as socializing, reading books and playing traditional games. Nowadays though, it seems that people tend to spend a lot of time online. Streaming movies, playing video games, and social media are common. So, entertainment has changed a lot.
✅ 拓展训练:
How has the way we get news changed?
思路提示:过去人们没有互联网(didn’t have the internet),通过报纸或口口相传(through word of mouth)获得新闻。但是今天,人们似乎倾向于从社媒获取新闻,因此,一切尽在指尖(everything is at our fingertips)。
题型2:Advantage VS Disadvantage
• What are the pros and cons of becoming famous?
• What are the benefits and drawbacks of online shopping?
• What is the positive side and negative side of retiring at an early age?
✅ 答题思路:优点(举例)+缺点(举例)+总结
✅ 答题结构:
The advantage is that … For example …
So, that’s a great thing.
However, the disadvantage is that … For instance …
Overall …
✅ 例题演练:
• What are the pros and cons of becoming famous?
The advantage is that you can make big bucks. For example, some live streamers make over 1 billion every year by selling beauty products during livestreams. So, that’s a great thing. However, the disadvantage is that you lose your privacy. For instance, wherever you go, you may come across paparazzi, which can drive you nuts. Overall, being famous has more negatives than positives.
✅ 拓展训练:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media?
思路提示:社媒的优点是帮助我们更好地社交(socialize better),例如我们可以随时随地和朋友联系,和世界各地的人交朋友。但缺点是,社媒非常耗费时间(time-consuming),例如我们每天在社媒上聊天、刷抖音(scroll on TikTok),非常上瘾(it can be addictive)。所以,社媒是把双刃剑(a double-edged sword)。
• How could health services in your country be improved?
• How can people find their way when they get lost?
• How can transportation in rural areas be developed?
✅ 答题思路:方案+原因+举例+总结
✅ 答题结构:
I suppose … should …
The reason is that …
For example …
So … is the key.
✅ 例题演练:
• How can we reduce our use of plastic?
I suppose we should raise our awareness and use more biodegradable products instead. The reason is that they are just more eco-friendly. For example, you can just throw them into a garden or into the dirt, and they can naturally decompose. So, changing our habit is the key.
✅ 拓展训练:
What can parents do to teach children good habits?
思路提示:父母应当以身作则(set a good example),因为孩子会模仿父母的行为。例如:如果父母想让孩子养成读书的习惯(build the habit of reading),他们应当先爱上读书并花时间和孩子一起,这样孩子就可能重复这样积极的行为(repeat the positive behavior)。所以,作为榜样(being a role model)是关键。
看到这里,是不是觉得Part 3可以“不变应万变”,“框架在手,天下我有”。
以上就是关于《如何用好用的框架让你的雅思口语Part 3说得长说得好?》介绍。爱思学,您的教育规划师,提供全国雅思培训机构课程免费试听,快速了解费用明细,排名、校区地址,欢迎咨询预约400-808-1765。