雅思写作 — 社会类话题大作文解析
Directors and managers of organisations are often older people. Some people say that younger people should be leaders. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 读题审题、标注核心论点
Directors and managers of organizations are often older people. Some people say that younger people should be leaders.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. 规划结构
1. Introduction:
Topic sentence + answer (不同意)
2. Mainbody 1:
Why young people are not the best option for directors?
3. Mainbody 2:
Why older people are?
4. Conclusion:
Repeat the answer
3. 头脑风暴
• Why young people are not the best option for directors?
1. giving them status could grow their arrogance
2. insubordinate to their leaders and disrespect their coworkers.
3. lack of experience, e.g. negotiation with other companies.
4. experience is more important.
• Why old people are?
1. The team leader is the most important person in a team
2. An experienced leader could make the team work more efficiently
3. for example. Sports coaches
4. it is best for a team to have an experienced leader.
4. 文章开头
• Topic sentence + answer (不同意)
In recent years, there has been an increasing number of well-educated youngers in the job market, and quite a few of them have demonstrated leadership in their work. This leads impressionable people to argue that old people should leave their positions such as directors and managers, and let the younger to take over. I strongly disagree with it.
5. 文章主体:(第一部分)
• Why young people are not the best option for directors?
1. giving them status could grow their arrogance
2. insubordinate to their leaders and disrespect their coworkers.
3. lack of experience, e.g. negotiation with other companies.
4. experience is more important.
• (主题句)Appointing young people to directive positions could lead to certain problems. 1. To begin with, although young people nowadays have more integrated skills compared to elders, giving them too much power could grow their arrogance. 2. To explain, it is very common for insubordination and arbitrariness to happen among young leaders since they have been overwhelmed by status and power. 3. Hence, the problem of arrogance is a major concern here. Furthermore, young people are often too callow and lack experience when it comes to parley with other businesses or making executive decisions. 4. This means that the seat of the director should belong to the more experienced rather than the skilled.
6. 文章主体:(第二部分)
• Why old people are?
1. The team leader is the most important person in a team
2. An experienced leader could make the team work more efficiently
3. for example. Sports coaches
4. it is best for a team to have an experienced leader.
• (主题句)Whereas older people typically have gained many valuable experiences from their work, these are non-replaceable. 1. When it comes to handling complicated tasks or projects, team or group management is always one of the top priorities. 2. With that being said, having an experienced manager who has illustrated leadership greatly helps improve the efficiency of work, and the younger employees are less likely to have the desired characteristics. 3. Taking coaches of professional sports clubs as examples, most well-established ones are in their 50s or 60s, and they have outstanding coaching experiences and a wide variety of tactics to help their teams improve and succeed. 4. Therefore, from the aspect of productivity and efficiency, older employees are more suitable to take the lead.
7. 文章结尾
• Conclusion:repeat the answer(复述观点—强调主题 + 适当展开)
• In conclusion, it is admitted that the younger generations help enhance the overall quality of the labor force. Nevertheless, due to the aforementioned reasons, most of them are not capable of taking those key leading positions. As far as I am concerned, if a company wishes to exceed, the leadership must be handed in the most senior employee.
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