题目1:人们都用电脑和电子设备获取信息,因此no longer any need printed books,同不同意?
解题思路:1.真的没必要用一个段落去写“互联网获取信息方便”。可以在核心段用对比的方法引出这个部分; 2.完全反对此观点。一是因为信息不一样;二是因为纸质材料不仅局限于提供信息的功能;三是因为有一些人对电子设备的使用有困难,纸质材料更容易获得和阅读;
题目2: Nowadays, people spend more and more time away from their families. Why is this? What effects will it have on themselves and their families?
解题思路:原因一:living costs不断上涨,人们花在工作上时间越来越多;原因二:媒体,尤其是互联网,展现给人们,尤其是年轻人,大城市的美好生活,导致很多人离开家乡去往大城市;
题目3: increasing number of developing countries currently expanding tourism industries. Why is this the case? Is this positive or negative development
看法:1.又是一个gereport; 2.限定词是哪个? 3.你分析的原因是什么?
解题思路: 原因1(扣住发展中国家):旅游业要求门槛低,不需要科技和资金,这适合发展中国家。原因2(扣住越来越多):交通尤其是航空业的发展,让游客可以比以前更容易到达这些国家。
题目4: Students can easily access information on line, so libraries are no longer necessary. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
解题思路:1.我完全不赞同此观点; 2.尽管可以在网上获得信息,但是网络信息在权威和专业性方面可能不如学校图书馆的内容; 3.即使图书馆查询信息的功能很大程度被网络取代也不意味着图书馆无存在的必要,因为图书馆还起到了其他功能,比如提供理想的学习环境; 4.综上所述;
题目5: Shortage of housing in big cities can cause severe consequences. Only government action can solve the problem.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
看法:1.熟悉我上课内容的同学能判断今天这个题目的坑人点吗? 2.第一句话需要给出个人观点吗? 3.需要用一个段落写政府的解决能力吗?
解题思路: 1.第一句是背景描述,不用专门回应; 2.这个题目讨论的是措施不是责任,别瞎写; 3.重点是对only的回应是否直接明确; 4.完全反对此观点。开发商可以选择高层建筑来增加房屋供应;年轻人可以选择和父母生活在一起减少住房需求;所以政府措施不是唯一的解决办法;
题目6: 越来越多的人进入城市政府就把near cities的farmland and parks变成了houses,问是negative or positive?
解题思路: negative: 1.新鲜食物产地减少,which means urban risidents花费更多钱买食物。比如运输,包装 2.环境破坏。if parks消失,城市的绿植更少break the ecological balance影响人们的健康。In conclusion, although ...暂时缓解住房需求。长远来看为dweller带来经济和健康压力
题目7: People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factors. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
看法: 这个题目很容易被写错,因为有的同学从头到尾都给不出一个明确的个人观点。你会怎么写这个题目?
解题思路: 最简单写法:我不赞同此观点,因为年龄和其他因素对购物决定的影响一样大。核心段两段,各自描述年龄和其他因素如何影响人们买东西。需要较强论证能力的版本:完全不赞同此观点,因为个人财力和环境文化比年纪的影响更大。
题目8: Many college freshmen find that the courses they choose are not suitable for them. What are the reasons? What can be done to solve this problem?
解题思路:1.受到他人影响(父母或社交媒体上的分享)但不是自己真正喜欢; 2.对大学专业不了解,仅凭个人感觉选择:
最后来分享一个环境类词汇的完美版本 In the meantime, over 1 million species are at risk of extinction, plastics are in our bloodstream, oceans, and food, and chemical toxins still plague the planet. Now climate change has dramatically altered this back and forth and solving the world's largest environmental disaster has become an imperative, requiring a radical new strategy. Simply put, it is going to take a lot more than governments, environmentalists, and individuals can provide to solve the climate problem. After decades of treating business leaders as the enemy(and often rightly so), many environmentalists have come to the realization that if we want to save the planet, we cannot do it without them.