破解托福口语 Task 3 高分范围解析
Task 3是托福口语中唯一涉及到学术概念的口语题,不同于接近日常生活的实物类的话题,学术类的考题更多的是对教学的模拟,也是托福考察学术语言能力的体现。所以认真备考Task 3,可以帮助考生在遇到学术类的考题时,可以从容应对。
那接下来一起来看看Task 3应该如何解答吧!
改革后的Task 3主要考察考生的学术语言能力,考察方式为考生在阅读完关于某个特定的专业术语的篇章定义,听完教授的课堂实例讲解后,通过自己的看到的和听到的内容,在60秒内总结复述出来。学术概念来自心理学、生物学、商学、行为学等等学科。
以 Glocal Marketing 这篇真题为例,我们来看看,task 3应该如何解答
Task 3
Reading Time: 50 seconds
Glocal Marketing
Many companies advertise and sell their products worldwide. While they may want to promote one consistent image of their products globally, companies also realize that there are significant differences among cultures that affect how people will interpret their advertisements. Thus, it may help companies to use glocal marketing. A company using this approach promotes a global or universal message for its product, but also shows an awareness of local cultural differences- -hence, glocal" marketing. This is accomplished by creating advertisements that specifically appeal to people in the different places where the product is sold. Though the central message of these advertisements remains the same, certain elements are changed to attract people in different cultures.
Explain how the example in the lecture illustrates the concept of glocal marketing.
【Audio Scipt】
Now listen to part of a lecture from a business class.
Okay. so how does this work, well, let's imagine a company wants to advertise their sports drink all over the world, an energy drink that's meant to help people recharge and stay hydrated so their body has enough fluids while they're exercising what we're doing sports. Now the company wants to connect this drink with an inspiring idea in the minds of consumers, something that will speak to them. So, it decides to associate the sports drink with the idea of the determination being determined to accomplish something difficult. In this case, some sort of difficult physical activity. And so, this idea of determination, that's an idea that pretty much everyone can relate to, right, but here's the thing, different kinds of sports and physical activities are popular in different places. So, this company selling sports drinks creates a lot of different magazine ads on billboards. And all of these ads show people usually athletes pushing themselves hard to accomplish something with looks of determination on their faces, but the ads use different sports and different trainers, and athletes. The advertisement for Switzerland, a mountainous country is about skiing and includes famous Swiss gear, but in Brazil. where soccer is a national sport, a billboard there contains the image of well-known Brazilian soccer.
当考生们拿到这道Task 3时,当第一眼看到标题中的Glocal Marketing,应该下意识的都在思考是不是global打错了字母,但是事实上并没有。但是看第二眼的时候,除了marketing似乎大概可以分辨出在是个关于商业的术语外,剩下的就是满脑子的黑人问好了。
但是,但是,遇到问题先不要慌,拿出手机发个朋友圈…….开玩笑,先看看文章里面讲了些什么,从文章后续的Thus, it may help companies to use glocal marketing.和hence, glocal marketing.不难看出,阅读部分是概念的专业释义,似乎能看懂,又似乎有些抽象。而考生们需要做的是根据文章的解释用自己的语言将这个抽象概念总结出来。
Glocal marketing refers to a method company uses to create advertisements that specifically appeal to people in the different places where the product is sold so as to promote a global or universal message for its product and shows an awareness of local cultural differences.
主角:a company selling sport drinks,一个卖运动饮料的跨国公司
听力中,教授通过能量饮料公司如何向不同的公司销售同一款产品的具体的例子解释了公司是如何使用Glocal Marketing的营销策略。
用英文转述则是:the professor explained this concept with an example of energy drink company。
There is a company selling sports drinks all over the world and it intends to make people link their product to the concept of determination when doing some difficult sports. But the problem is that different people play different sports. To appeal the potential customers in different areas, the company released different advertisements. For example, the sport used in the Swiss ad is skiing, while the sport used in the Brazilian is soccer.
As stated in the reading passage, glocal marketing refers to a method company uses to create advertisements that specifically appeal to people in the different places where the product is sold so as to promote a global or universal message for its product and shows an awareness of local cultural differences.
There is a company selling sports drinks all over the world and it intends to make people link their product to the concept of determination when doing some difficult sports. But the problem is that different people play different sports. To appeal the potential customers in different areas, the company released different advertisements. For example, the sport used in the Swiss ad is skiing, while the sport used in the Brazilian is soccer.
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