Brands on Sale is advertising the “Ebola containment suit costume”, a kit that includes a protective bodysuit, goggles and breathing mask. The company's vice president, says they sold about two dozen on Wednesday and expect to move well over a thousand by the end of the month.
(英国商家)Brands on Sale正在广告推广“埃博拉防护服装扮”,该系列包括一套防护服、一副护目镜以及呼吸面罩。该公司副总裁表示,周三当天该装扮就售出了约24套,到本月底有望售出一千多套。
因为近期埃博拉病毒蔓延,有商家就推出了“埃博拉主题万圣节装扮”(Ebola-themed Halloween costumes),这一套“埃博拉防护服装扮”(Ebola containment suit costume)虽然销量不错,不过自该装扮推出以来,各类社交媒体用户却一直在讨论这一行为到底是苦中作乐(making light of tragedy)还是代表社会道德沦丧(the society’s moral decay)。