而今年,扎克伯格决定玩点新花样,让网友在他的 Facebook 主页上留言为他的新年挑战提供建议。最后,他选择了支持者最多的一项挑战——读书,并许下新年决心:每两周读本书,重点学习不同的文化、信仰、历史和科技。
随后,小扎还在 Facebook 上开设了“A Year of Books”专页,分享正在阅读的书籍与阅读心得,同时邀请的用户一起读书,并参与讨论。据说,他读的本书是莫伊塞斯·纳伊姆的《权力的终结》(The End of Power)。
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg vows he will read a book every two weeks, and he's invited people around the world to join him.
The "year of books" is Zuckerberg's 2015 goal. The billionaire is known for his quirky New Year's Resolutions. Two years ago he challenged himself to meet a new person a day. Last year he attempted to pen a daily thank you note.
It will come as no surprise that he's already launched a Facebook page — entitled "A year of books" — to serve as the reading group's hub. Over 62,000 people have liked the page in the initial 24 hours.
"Please only participate in the discussions if you've actually read the books and have relevant points to add. The group will be moderated to keep it focused," he stressed in his status update.
The plan is to select books about various topics and cultures. The Bible and Quran have been popular suggestions, among hundreds of other titles.
The first book is "The End of Power" by Moisés Naím, a former Foreign Policy editor. It's a 300-page deep dive into the changing nature of leadership today that was published in March 2013.
大佬们尚且如此,还没开始制定新年计划的小伙伴们,是不是备受鼓励啊?英文中,bookworm表示“书虫”,“书呆子”的意思。此外,“埋头读书”可以说have one’s head/nose buried in a book,通常指很专心、认真的读书。例句:Every time I see her, she has her head buried in a book. (每次我看到她,她都在埋头读书。)