雅思阅读精品材料:Dragon Blade大年初一上映
雅思阅读精品材料:近日,成龙主演的古装动作史诗巨制《天将雄师》(Dragon Blade)曝光了剧情版预告片。影片讲述的是西汉大都护霍安遭奸人陷害,沦为奴役;罗马将军卢魁斯勇救本国王子逃命至东方,双雄在西域戈壁相遇,从而展开的一段惊心动魄的故事。 片中,成龙扮演的西域都护霍安遭人陷害。他将与好莱坞影星约翰·库萨克、阿德里安·布劳迪展开精彩绝伦的对决戏。此外,人气组合“筷子兄弟”在片中出演一对喜剧感颇强的“屌丝英雄”。而新晋“龙女郎”王若心的表演也为影片添色不少~ 看来大有看头啊!据悉,该片由中国香港导演李仁港执导,总投资6500万美元(约人民币4.03亿元),将以3DIMAX的制式于羊年正月初一(2月19日)在全球同步公映。
John Cusack and Jackie Chan team up for upcoming adventure fantasy flick Dragon Blade.
The unlikely duo is seen alongside Adrien Brody in a newly released trailer where they fight it out in a not-so-historically-accurate battle between Rome and China's Han Dynasty.
It is deemed to be one of the most expensive Chinese-language films ever made costing $65 million(about 403 million yuan).
So unsurprisingly the cinematography looks stunning in the short clip featuring epic battles and beautiful backdrops.
Brody plays Tiberius who wants to gain control over the “silk road” - the overland trade route from China to the West.
Chan, 60, plays Huo An, an official framed and enslaved for a crime he didn't commit. And fans will be pleased to see him showing off some of his trademark martial arts moves and skillful sword-work.
And although they all speak in English, the movie features Chinese subtitles throughout. The movie will be released in China on February 19,2015.
小伙伴们,一起期待吧!英文中,“贺岁片”可以说New Year film。“大腕/大腕的”则为big shot/big-shot。例句:The two American big shots, though in minor roles in the film, each deliver a commendable performance.
此外,“兴奋地等待事情的发生,翘首以盼”可以用on the edge of one’s seat表示。例句:The first half is so exciting that all are on the edge of their seats for the next one.(比赛异常精彩,所有人都引颈期盼接下来的竞技。)
形容“(电影)卖座”可用box office hit来表示。相对的,“票房毒药”的英文则可译为box office flop或box office bomb。Flop在此意为“砸锅,失败”。