首先,什么叫做连贯呢?就是当我们从一句话过渡到另一句话,或者从一个段落过渡到另一个段落时,觉察不到任何突兀,间隔或者是跳跃,就是连贯的。那么怎么达到这种“此时无声胜有声”的境界呢? 具体操作起来我们有四种方法。
一: 重复关键字。重复关键字是我们重要的一种表达连贯性的方法,一段当中的重点通过不断地重复而表达出来,段落就会显得很连贯。但为了避免重复变得无聊,我们就要在重复的过程中进行换词。常用的换词方法有同义词(比如:run, race, dash),代词(比如:operators…they),以及换词性(比如:independent, independence, independently)。下面这段OG当中的范文,虽然长度一般,但就在用不同的方式不断的重复我们这段的关键字“living independently”。
So living independently at an early age is not suitable for all young adults, some young adults may need to be ready to support themselves. Taking time to get more education and living with their families for a longer time may lead them to a better independent life because they will be well prepared for the hard-life outside. Still, living with their families for too long will not be a good idea because they could get used to it and tend to be less independent.
In any relationship of mine, I would wish that first of all, the person I’m dealing with is honest. Even though s/he thinks that s/he did something wrong that I wouldn’t like, s/he’d better tell me the truth and not lie about it. Later on if I find out about a lie or hear the truth from someone else, that’d be much more unpleasant. In that case how can I ever believe or trust that person again? How can I ever believe that this person has enough confidence in me to forgive him/her and carry on with the relationship from there? So if I cannot trust a person anymore, if the person doesn’t think I can handle the truth, there’s no point to continuing that relationship.
三: 保持主语的一致。在英文写作中,我们也有一条”潜规则“,就是一句话的主语应该与上一句话的主语或者宾语相呼应,如果一段话中的每一句话都和上一句的主语或者宾语没什么联系,读起来整段就很晦涩难懂,更别说连贯了。下面一段话我已经把各句的主语加斜黑体了,大家可以先试试能不能看懂。
One goes about trapping in this manner. At the very outset one acquire a “trapping” state of mind. A library of books must be read, and preferably someone with experience should educate the novice. Preparing for the first expedition takes several steps. The purchase of traps is first. A pair of rubber gloves, waterproof boots, and the grubbiest clothes capable of withstanding human use come next to outfit the trapper for his adventure. Finally, the decision has to be made on just what kinds of animals to seek, what sort of bait to use, and where to place the traps.
,我估计大家已经找到了。重复关键字和使用平行结构这两点在本段中都做得: 本段的关键字trapping,先后被换成了traps,trapper等;而平行结构的使用中,既有词的平行(A pair of rubber gloves, waterproof boots, and the grubbiest clothes),也有短语的平行(what kinds of animals to seek, what sort of bait to use, and where to place the traps)。但是,就因为本段每句话想表达的所有新信息都放到了主语上,所以读起来就不连贯。再读读下面这段,当改成都用统一的I作主语后,读起来就顺畅多了!
I went about trapping in this manner. To acquire a “trapping” state of mind, I read a library of books and talked at length with an experienced trapper, my father. Then I purchased the traps and outfitted myself by collecting a pair of rubber gloves, waterproof boots, and the grubbiest clothes capable of withstanding human use. Finally, I decided just what kinds of animals to seek, what sort of bait to use, and where to place my traps.
四:使用连接词。对于读者来说,连接词的作用就像一个桥梁,把已经读过的信息和将要读的新信息连接起来。无论是在句与句之间,还是段落与段落之间,它们都扮演者引导阅读者的作用,不容小觑。下面我给大家按分类列出了一些我们写作中常用的连接词, 这些连接词在我们英语中的其他三个方面听说读使用频率也高,那你还等什么,赶紧背会吧!
To show addition
? And, also, besides, further, furthermore, in addition, moreover, next, too, second
To give examples
? For example, for instance, to illustrate, in fact, specifically,a case in point is…,take…,…,for example,in particular,such as, like
To compare
? Also, in the same manner, similarly, likewise
To contrast
? But, however, in contrast, nevertheless, yet, on the contrary, even though, although, on the other hand, still
To summarize or conclude
? in short, in summary, in conclusion, to sum up, In other words, in another word, that is, basically, simply put, therefore
To show time
? After, as, before, next, during, later, finally, meanwhile, then, when, while, immediately
To show place or direction
? Above, below, beyond, farther on, nearby, opposite, close, to the left
To indicate logical relationship
? If, so, therefore, consequently, thus, as a result, for this reason, since, as, because, for, due to, owing to, on account of, because of
Now, suppose they passed the first make/break point. Then comes another one when they are going to marry. Normally, in the western culture, the man and the woman choose their marriage partners themselves, so this is not much of an important issue in the U.S. However, what about the cultures that predominantly have arranged marriages? In that case, choosing a husband or a wife could be a huge decision, because generally the marriages are not as easily broken as in the western culture. Therefore, when it comes to this point, one would definitely want to know their parents’ thinking and their previous experience. This could come in very handy when one has a choice to make.