那么,大型海龟和小型海龟在调节体温(regulate temperature)的方法上有哪些不同?巨大的棱皮龟(leatherback turtle)为何能在寒冷水域依旧保持活力,而小型海龟却离不开阳光的拥抱?
海龟,作为我们既熟悉又陌生的朋友,在TPO和历年真题中可谓高频亮相。今天就让我们通过两篇文章《Temperature Regulation in Turtles》和《A Warm-Blooded Turtle》,来揭开它们如何调节体温的神秘面纱吧!
首先明确一点:海龟是变温动物(Ectothermic animals),也就是我们熟知的冷血动物(cold-blooded animals)。它们的体温会随着周围环境的变化而波动。绝大多数爬行动物(reptiles),例如蜥蜴(lizards)、蛇(snakes)、鳄鱼(crocodiles)等,都是冷血动物。作为爬行动物的一员,海龟虽然有些种类展现出一定的“温血特性”,但大多数依然是冷血动物。相比之下,哺乳动物(mammals)和鸟类(birds)则属于恒温动物(Homeothermic animals),也就是温血动物(warm-blooded animals),能够通过代谢调节自身温度,不受环境温度的直接影响。
While turtle species vary widely in size and habitat, all must control their body temperatures for essential functions.
——《Temperature Regulation in Turtles》
Turtles exposing themselves to the sun on a log(浮木)in a pond are a familiar sight in many parts of the world, because few pond turtles are large enough to maintain body temperatures higher than the temperature of the water surrounding them. Emerging from the water to bask(晒太阳;取暖) is the only way most pond turtles can raise their body temperatures to speed digestion(加速消化), growth, and the production of eggs(产卵). In addition, basking may help aquatic turtles to rid(清除) themselves of algae(海藻) and leeches(水蛭). Exposure to ultraviolet light(紫外线) may activate vitamin D, which is involved in controlling calcium deposition(钙沉淀) in their bones and shell.
——《Temperature Regulation in Turtles》
Leatherbacks(棱皮龟) keep their body heat in different ways. The first, and simplest, is size. The bigger the animal is, the lower its surface-to-volume ratio(表面积与体积之比); for every ounce of body mass, there is proportionately less surface through which heat can escape. Maintaining a high body temperature through sheer bulk is called gigantothermy(巨温性).
——《A Warm-Blooded Turtle》
It is not enough for whales, which supplement it with a thick layer of insulating blubber (fat)(脂肪层). Leatherbacks do not have blubber, but they do have a reptilian equivalent(等效物): thick(厚的), oil-saturated(油脂的) skin, with a layer of fibrous(纤维), fatty tissue just beneath it. Insulation(绝缘层) protects the leatherback everywhere but on its head and flippers(鳍肢).
因为一些生词和我们不熟悉的机制,这一段稍显晦涩难度,让我们逐一破解!鲸鱼通过厚厚的脂肪层(blubber)来保温,而作为爬行动物的海龟也有类似的机制——它们的皮肤含有丰富的油脂,并且覆盖着一层纤维状的结构(fibrous layer)。这种油脂层保护着海龟的身体,大部分区域都能从中受益,唯独头部和鳍肢(flippers)不在保护范围内。顺便提一下,flippers指的就是海龟的四肢哦!
Because the flippers are comparatively thin(薄) and blade-like(片状), they are the one part of the leatherback that is likely to become chilled(寒冷的).The problem is that as blood flows through the turtle’s flippers, it risks losing enough heat to lower the animal’s central body temperature when it returns. The solution is to allow the flippers to cool down without drawing heat away from the rest of the turtle’s body. The leatherback accomplishes this by arranging the blood vessels (血管)in the base of its flipper into a countercurrent(逆流的) exchange system.
接下来,压力给到了flippers!它们没有油脂层的保护,而且由于自身的形态,容易失去热量,还会将温度带走。解决这个问题并不简单,但棱皮龟巧妙地通过在鳍底部血管的分布,形成了一个逆流交换系统(countercurrent exchange system)。这种机制帮助它们有效地保持体温,克服了失温的难题。
In a countercurrent exchange system, the blood vessels carrying cooled blood from the flippers run close enough to the blood vessels carrying warm blood from the body to pick up some heat from the warmer blood vessels; thus, the heat is transferred from the outgoing to the ingoing vessels before it reaches the flipper itself. This is the same arrangement found in an old-fashioned steam radiator, in which the coiled pipes pass heat back and forth as water courses through them.
那么逆流交换系统(countercurrent exchange system)是如何保温的呢?简单来说,逆流交换系统就像是一个热量交换的小机器!棱皮龟的冷血从鳍部流回身体,而暖血从身体流向鳍部。它们的血管紧紧挨在一起,互相交换热量。冷血在流向鳍部之前,就已经从温暖的血液里吸收了一些热量。所以,冷血到达鳍部时已经温暖了一些,不会让龟的体温太低。这样,龟就能在冷水中保持温暖了!