雅思写作词汇除了需要量的积累,更重要的是质的,即对词汇的准确含义、使用的具体场景和固定搭配的熟悉。同学把词汇的“质量”理解为词汇的“难度”,即生僻程度。的确,雅思官方评分标准中强调了“uncommon”和“less common”词汇的重要性。
Writing Topic 1:Some people suggest that a country should try to produce all the food for its population and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
学生习作:The question of whether a state should attempt to produce all food for the people with as little importing food as possible has been the focus of current topic. Although the development of agriculture should be encouraged and supported, we could not overlook the importance of the import from other countries. I will discuss the topic focusing on the factors related to the finance, polity and the individuals.
评论:该生在开头段并没有对题干当中的核心词(produce all the food, little importing food)进行有效替换,导致重复表达。《剑桥雅思》系列中的考官评语针对这类问题有过强调,属于扣分点。其次,本文出现多处不恰当的词汇使用,降低了表达的准确性。如:import的名词含义是“进口商品”,而我们是在讨论“进口”的重要性还是“进口粮食”的重要性?还有focusing可以修饰topic吗?polity(政体)与individuals(个人)可以并列吗?
修改过后:The question of whether a state should solely rely on its own food industry while allowing as little imported food as possible has been the focus of current discussion. Although the agricultural development should be encouraged and supported, we should not overlook the importance of the international food trade, which is related to a county’s finance, politics and the people.
再评论:老师保留了原文的基本框架,仅从词汇上做了些调整。注意动词的替换:solely rely on its own food industry(仅仅依靠自己的食品产业)不就是produce all the food的意思吗?agricultural development属于“生产食品”的上位概念,它包含了本国的食品生产,所以可以用作替换词。is related to属于逻辑性很强的动词结构,通过调整为定语从句,使表达更有针对性,强调国际食品贸易(importing food)对于一个的重要性。
Writing Topic 2:In universities and schools, female students are encouraged to learn some subjects of arts. However, male students are encouraged to study science and technology. Why does this happen? How will this trend develop in the future? 题干理解:大中小学都鼓励女生学文,男生学理。为什么这样?未来如何发展?
学生习作:Recently, the question which subject should be chosen by the students in different genders has been frequently brought to spotlight. Some people think girls should to learn social science and boys always be good at science and technology. I will discuss the situation focus on the areas between their physical and job employment.
评论:学科的替换词有disciplines, courses, majors等等。而subject指的是某个具体科目,不能泛指学文或者学理。gender只有两个,习惯上写成between two genders。brought to spotlight是不规范的英文表达,尽管广泛用于各种写作模板。be good at表示客观上擅长做某事,而题目中are encouraged to更体现人们的主观观念,鼓励提倡做某事,因此这一替换也是不准确的。between … and表示两者之间,而不是并列的关系。physical属于评分细节中所述的词形错误(errors of word formation), 这里不能单独使用形容词。
修改过后:The question about the preference of majors, either perceived or actual, between two genders has been in the spotlight. Some people think girls should attend courses of arts while boys are supposed to learn science and technology. I think the situation is related to the differences between the male and female in their physical traits and social roles.
再评论:在尊重原文的基础上,老师用preference(偏好)来总结题干当中的争议核心,即男女生学什么科目的问题。通过后置定语either perceived or actual来表示这种所谓的“偏科”可能真实存在,也可能只是人们的臆断。末尾的physical traits(生理特征),social roles(社会角色)都是同学们讨论两性平等(或不平等)时经常采用的表达。可见,在词汇使用上,大气只是一方面;更重要的是做到严谨、恰当、准确。
Writing Topic 3:Developments in technology are causing many environmental problems. Some people think that people should choose a simpler way of life. Others think that we should use technology to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2015.05.09)
学生习作:Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerning about growing environmental issues resulted from the application of modern technology. However, whether we should continue to utilize the technology has caused a heated debate. My view is that to exploit new technology has its weakness but its importance should not be denied.
concern作为动词表示“关心、关注”使用时往往以被动式出现,即be concerned with/about。
issue是一个中性的词,可以是好事也可以是坏事。用在这里不能清晰表达problem的负面含义。有些同学可能会用dilemma来替换problem, 殊不知前者指的是“进退两难的境地”,并不能与environmental搭配。
作者用application, utilize等词简单地替换了use(使用),但是无法突出“过度使用”科技所带来的后果。Weakness的含义过于笼统,并不能清楚交代科技所带来的问题具体是什么。
deny表示“矢口否认”,“不承认”的意思。而作者想表达的意思应该是ignore, neglect(忽视,忽略)。由此可见,同学对一些“熟词”词义掌握得不够系统,导致南辕北辙。
修改过后:Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the growing threat posed by the abuse of modern technology. The issue of whether we should continue to rely on technology to ease the situation has been frequently raised in public and scholarly discourses. My view is that despite of the harms caused by modern technology, we should never overlook its importance in exploiting new energies and securing ecosystems around the world.
problem可以替换成threat, danger, damage, 后面加过去分词进行修饰:brought by, caused by, posed by(由……所带来、导致的)。
abuse表示“滥用”,这个词增加了表达的严谨性。潜台词是:合理使用科技不会带来这些问题。ease the situation这一指代巧妙地避开了solve environmental problem这个重复出现的关键词,使行文更简练。
public and scholarly discourses是比较正式的表达,需要根据题目类型酌情使用。despite of表示让步,体现观点的辩证性。最后提出自己的观点,即全文核心论点时,将讨论范围明确固定在new energies和ecosystem范围内,既使观点更加清晰具体,又为下文主题段展开做好了铺垫。
Writing Topic 4:Some think that developing countries should invite large foreign companies to open offices and factories to foster their economies. Others think these countries should keep large companies out and develop their own ones instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
学生习作:With the implementation of “opening-up policy”, the question whether the countries with economic deficiencies should grant permissions and licences to foreign macrocephalic enterprises to develop their economies by establishing manufacturers and overseas franchises in their territory has been asked by the mass. Although the authorities can be fortified from the foreign companies, we cannot overlook the devastating effect of it. On the contrary, the dissidents suggest that only by renaissance of their national economy without inviting the help from the foreigners can they succeed.
该同学的词汇量不容小觑,但是这些“华丽”的辞藻却经不起推敲。Implementation与policy的搭配让人如鲠在喉。deficiencies指(营养)缺乏或者先天不足(痴呆儿)而非经济落后。permissions, licences都在表达同样的意思:允许。
macrocephalic这词连本土人士也很少使用。manufacturer指生产商而不是工厂,franchise是授权代理而不是分支机构。territory是领土(政治称谓),authorities是政府,这两个都不能替换,更不能be fortified(加固防御)。