If you feel that the examiner is speaking too quickly, you mayask him/her to slow down. However,remember that examiners are trained to speakat a reasonable rate and allexaminers have experience of teaching foreignstudents, so the examiner is veryunlikely to be speaking too quickly. It ismuch more likely that the candidate has not got much experience of talking toand listening to native speakers. Inthis case, candidates should practicebefore the test. Also remember that, ifthe examiner speaks slowly, you willhave less time to answer questions, becausethere is a strict time limit foreach part of the test.
There are only afew questions you might need to ask theexaminer.
In part 1, youmight ask the examiner to repeat a question.
In part 3, youmight ask the examiner to repeat or to rephrase aquestion.
In these cases,the examiner will do what you ask. Your scoremay be affected if you do this toooften, but not if you do it once or twice.There is no need to ask the examinerquestions like “Have you been to Beijing?”or “Do you know Jackie Chan?” Thesequestions are a waste of time – your time.
The banddescriptors state clearly that even an averagecandidate must be able to dealwith unfamiliar topics. If the examiner asks youabout a topic that you finddifficult, all you can do is say what you can toanswer the question and thenwait for the next one. Answer the questiondirectly, then try to develop it fora short while in the direction of a topicyou feel more comfortable with. Theexaminer may follow your lead.
4、不计分的身势语(Body language)
Many candidatesbelieve that their body language will have animpact on their score. This isalso untrue. You should face the examiner, asyou would in a normalconversation. The amount of eye contact you make with theexaminer is up to you.Again, it will not influence your score.