Lightweight reader refers to someone who gets sleepy or passes out shortlyafter starting to read.
Contrary to “heavyweight”, which means very powerful, “lightweight” meanshaving little ability, and lightweight reader is a reader who is not good atreading, in fact, far from good at it. You can also call him a poor reader.
"I’m so screwed for this test, I didn't study at all."
"Why not? We had all week!"
"I’m a lightweight reader man, I never made it past section one."
Brand name-dropping describes the situation where someone attempts toimpress others by frequently mentioning the brand names of goods that one owns,it is usually regarded negatively.
This phrase, a play on name-dropping, has been showing up sporadically inthe media for a while now. Name-dropping is the practice of mentioning importantpeople or institutions within a conversation, story, song, online identity, orother communication. The term often connotes an attempt to impress others.
For example: The woman wore her Jimmy Choos to walk out her Fifth Avenueapartment to her waiting Town Car, her Coach bag on one arm and carrying heriPhone in her hand as her Fortune 500 CEO husband glances at his Rolex and tapsthe toes of his Berlutis impatiently.
比如这样一段话:那个女人脚蹬Jimmy Choo的鞋,走出位于第五大道的公寓,朝等在路边的林肯TownCar走去,一手拿着Coach包,一手拿着iPhone手机。她那在财富500强企业当首席执行官的丈夫看了一眼劳力士手表,不耐烦地晃蹬着脚上的伯鲁提鞋。
急剧地, 突然地 sharply, steeply, dramatically, drastically, suddenly
显著地, 快速地 considerably, significantly, noticeably, remarkably, rapidly
稳步地, 逐渐地 steadily, gradually, smoothly,
轻微地, 缓慢地 slightly, slowly, mildly, moderately