火速收藏!2.24-3.2 雅思考试小范围重点预测来袭
雅思考试的竞争激烈,这份预测对考生来说至关重要。我会从考生的痛点、预测的作用等角度来构思开头,引发考生的兴趣。 备考雅思的你,是不是正被海量的复习资料压得喘不过气?是不是渴望在茫茫知识点中找到那根救命稻草?别担心,你的机会来了!即将到来的2.24 - 3.2雅思考试,可是决定留学梦想能否实现的关键节点。而我们精心准备的小范围重点预测,就是专门为了帮你在这关键时刻精准发力,直击考试核心,让你告别盲目复习,高效备考,轻松应对这场考试,向着理想的分数大步迈进 。
1. Are you a student or do you work?
2. What’s your major?
3. Do you like your major? (ls your major interesting?)
4. Why did you choose the major?
5. What subjects are you studying?
1. What do you do (for a living)?
2. Why did you choose the job? Have you always wanted to do this type of work?
3. Do you like your job? (Is it interesting?)
4. Will you change your job in the future?
5. What's the difference between your present job and your previous job?
1.In what conditions would you use a computer?
2.When was the first time you used a computer?
3.What will your life be like without computers?
4.In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?
Boring things
1.What kinds of things are boring to you?
2.What will you do when you feel bored?
3.What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?
4.Do you think school is boring?
1.Do you have a favourite teacher?
2.In what way has your favourite teacher helped you?
3.Do you have a teacher from your past that you still remember?
4.Are you still in touch with your primary school teachers?
5.Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
Part 2&3
P2 近期日常改变
Describe a positive change that you have made recently in your daily routine
You should say:
What the change is
How you have changed the routine
Why you think it is a positive change
And explain how you feel about the change
1.What do people normally plan in their daily lives?
2.Is time management very important in our daily lives?
3.What changes would people often make?
4.Do you think it is good to change jobs frequently?
5.Who do you think would make changes more often, young people or old people?
P2 交通工具抛锚
Describe a time when the vehicle you took broke down on your trip
You should say:
Where it happened
When it happened
Who you were with at that time
And what impacts this breakdown had
1.What do you think needs to be improved in public transport?
2.Who likes to travel more, older people or younger people?
3.Are there fewer people using private cars because of improved public transport?
4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of private transport?
P2 学校/工作中的重要规则
Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work
You should say:
What the rule is about
What happens when people break the rule
Why you think it is an important rule
And explain how you feel about the rule
1.What rules should children follow at home in your country?
2.On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don't follow some rules?
3.What rules should people follow when using public transport?
4.What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places?
5.What are the reasons that cause people to break rules?
6.When people break rules, how would they be punished in your country?
Children are taught to push themselves to be better than their classmates rather than to
work together for everyone's profit. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?
The range and quality of foods have been improved with the development of technology and scientific advance. Some people believe it is a good development, while others consider it is harmful. Discuss both view and give your own opinion
Some people think schools should teach students to form good behavior in addition to
providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think getting old is entirely bad. However, others think that life of the
elderly in modern world is much easier than in the past. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion.
以上就是关于《火速收藏!2.24-3.2 雅思考试小范围重点预测来袭》介绍。爱思学,您的教育规划师,提供全国雅思培训机构课程免费试听,快速了解费用明细,排名、校区地址,欢迎咨询预约400-808-1765。