Metaphors powerfully capture our imaginations, and researchers have found that they can even influence our behaviour without us realising. Humans aren’t necessarily aware of what shapes their opinions, or indeed the power that language has over substantive evidence.
capture v. 捕获,引起
substantive evidence 实据
In other words, metaphors can help people understand novel and occasionally complex topics, but they are a simplification, offering only a specific angle or viewpoint that isn’t the full picture.
novel 新颖的(同义词:new; original; creative等)
complex 复杂的(同义词包括:complicated; convoluted; sophisticated; intricate等)
simplification n. 简化,其动词形式是simplify
03现在,我们来看看关于女性同时具有局限性的几个隐喻。首先看glass ceiling(玻璃天花板)。
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You can see similar limitations with the description of ‘glass ceilings’ in the workplace. Originally popularised by Gay Bryant at the height of the feminist movement in the 1980s, it’s a widely used term today that describes an invisible barrier that keeps women from occupying executive positions. The metaphor suggests that women should aspire to ‘break through’ the ceiling – but the problem is that it describes only the women reaching up, rather than, say, the men that are peering down from the top. This arguably places unfair responsibility on women to smash the ceiling, rather than focusing on the role of men in creating and maintaining it.
在职场“玻璃天花板”的描述中我们可以看到类似的局限。这个术语是经由Gay Byrant在20世纪80年代女性主义运动高潮中普及的,时到今日仍然被广泛使用,用于描述职场上使得女性难以进入管理层的隐形障碍。这个隐喻暗示着女性应当立志“突破”天花板——但问题是它只描述了向上爬的女性,却没有描述那些在顶端俯视的男性。这可能将不公平的责任强加于女性身上,要求她们去打破天花板,而没有关注男性在创造和加固天花板中的作用。
originally adv. 原先地
popularize v. 使......普及
feminist movement 女权运动
invisible adj. 隐形的
aspire to 渴望做;立志做
smash v. 打碎
04然后看另外几个隐喻:sticky floor(粘性地板)、labyrinth(迷宫 ) 和firewall(防火墙)。
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It also applies to the various other metaphors that have been proposed to describe women in the workplace. For example, for lower-paid workers, there is the ‘sticky floor’, which describes how women often feel stuck in low-wage jobs where career ascension is unlikely. Then there are ‘labyrinths’ for women to navigate, ‘firewalls’ to cross, and all sorts of variants on glass, from glass doors (a barrier to initial hiring) to glass walls (a barrier to horizontal transfer in a corporation).
ascension 上升(ascend是动词形式)
labyrinth 迷宫
navigate 巡游;探索
initial 最初的
horizontal 横向的(vertical是纵向的)
transfer 调动
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The metaphors we’re using to describe women at work reflect the world’s androcentricism – our insistence that, even in 2017, we consider the male experience as “the norm”.
androcentricism 男性中心主义(anthropocentricism 人类中心主义)
norm 规范,常规
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Interestingly, there is one related metaphor that focuses on men’s careers – the glass escalator. It’s used “to describe the tendency for men in female-dominated industries to ascend to upper ranks more quickly than women in these industries”. Such industries include jobs like nursing or primary school teaching, but the metaphor in itself has only come into being because metaphors are employed when there is an “exception” to the rule or gender stereotype.
dominate 控制
employ v. 运动
stereotype 刻板印象
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The obvious upside of any these metaphors, however, is that they highlight social phenomena that might otherwise remain invisible and therefore impossible to resolve. But in order to address the circumstances that lead to women being held back, and men rising seamlessly, it shouldn’t be forgotten that metaphors simplify complexity.
upside 优势
highlight 突出显示;凸显
held back 排斥,保留着
complexity 复杂性
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If, these words can subtly influence how we choose to act, then they may have unintended consequences. The glass ceiling, for example, implies that there’s a single barrier that, if only women work hard enough, can be shattered once and for all. As various social scientists have since pointed out, the reality is that there are countless deeper-rooted problems and pressures that hamper women’s progression in workplaces where male privilege is the norm.
subtly 细微地,潜移默化地
unintended 无意的
hamper 阻碍(同义词hinder)
privilege 特权