1. 为柏树的重要细胞功能吸收氧气。
2. 在松软的土壤中固定柏树。
3. 释放土壤中的甲烷,因为甲烷对土壤没用。
1. 实验表明,膝部其实并不是吸收氧气的主要功能。
2. 这些膝部通常附着在柏树的水平根部,而这些根部并没有深入土壤。
3. 甲烷对柏树没有用,但对这些树也没有害处。
Dr. Diaz
This week, we discussed the importance of role models and opinion makers in society. One idea we discussed was the widespread impact of influencers." Influencers are people who are very active posting on social media and who have many followers. Influencers' posts and opinions can influence their followers' choices on everything from fashion to politics. In your opinion, do social media influencers generally have a positive or negative effect on their followers? Why do you think so?
I think the influencers' effect is generally positive.
I think influencers generally have a negative effect because they have far too much influence.
1. For one thing, they inspire individuals to pursue their passions and set ambitious goals by sharing their achievements and experiences regularly on networking websites. 借助自己的经历鼓励大家可以努力追求梦想。
2. Also, following influencers from different countries and backgrounds has expanded people’s understanding of the world and encouraged them to embrace diversity. 扩充视野,拥抱多样性。
1. One concern is the promotion of unrealistic standards. 推广的标准过于完美,会造成普通人对自我的怀疑。
2. Moreover, just like what Paul mentions, many influencers often promote products through networking websites or apps, making it hard to distinguish genuine recommendations from mere advertisements. 很难区分是广告还是真实的推荐。
主题:金星上出现黄光(Ashen Light)的原因
1. 由于太阳的紫外线照射,氧原子变成氧分子,这个过程生成黄光。
2. 闪电的原因。
3. 由于望远镜的问题或者地方天气不同看见的幻像。
1. 这个过程生产的是绿光,不是黄光。
2. 闪电常常发生在白天,晚上很少发生,金星上有Day side和Night side, 在Night side也观察到了黄光。
3. 不同的人,在不同的地方用不同的仪器在相同的时间都看见了,因此不是幻像。
Dr. Gupta
We’ve been discussing the idea that human well-being is not necessarily improved by ever-increasing production and consumption of goods and services. Some people argue that humans already consume too many goods, from clothing to electronics to food; they believe that excessive consumption has created serious problems for humanity and even the planet. Do you agree that excessive consumption—buying more than we truly need—has become a serious problem? Why or why not?
I absolutely agree. The products are filling up landfills, and the energy expended producing the goods has created a global warming crisis.
I disagree with the idea that overconsumption is dramatic problem. It happens mostly with wealthy people.
1. For one thing, excessive consumption is a serious problem because the production and disposal of goods often contribute to environmental degradation, including pollution, and depletion of natural resources. 不良环境影响。
2. Also, excessive consumption results in more waste, which could lead to the global waste management problem or even pose risks to human health. 造成大量的垃圾。
1. First, I believe consumption is a natural part of economic growth and development, which can provide jobs and income for many people. 经济发展自然的部分,可以提供就业以及收入。
2. Additionally, consumer spending can drive innovation and technological advancements. 消费还可以推动创新以及技术进步。
1. 过剩能量理论:某些动物(如哺乳动物)能量利用效率很高,因此通过玩耍来消耗这些过剩能量。
2. 本能练习理论:幼年动物通过玩耍进行身体训练,例如捕食性动物在玩耍中练习攻击和撕咬。
3. 社会功能理论:动物通过玩耍建立群体内的社会关系。例如,研究发现一起玩耍的老鼠会发出高频叫声以保持和谐群体关系。
1. 海洋哺乳动物(如海豹)的行为与此理论矛盾。幼年海豹在等待母亲带回食物时几乎没有能量摄入,但仍会进行玩耍活动,即使它们没有多余能量。
2. 实验表明,允许玩耍和不允许玩耍的幼猫在长大后捕猎能力并无显著差异,反驳了玩耍对技能训练的必要性。
3. 老鼠只在幼年时玩耍,但它们的社交能力在停止玩耍后仍会发展,表明社交功能的建立并不依赖于玩耍。
Dr. Achebe
This week, we will be discussing space exploration. Some people think that it is a waste of money for governments to fund space exploration. Others disagree with this view, arguing that space exploration is a valuable and necessary investment for our future. I want to know what you think about this topic. Do you think that governments should fund space exploration? Why or why not?
I don't think that governments should fund space exploration because it will be too costly to build spaceships and develop related technologies.
Personally, I do think that all the costs will be worth it. The potential scientific discoveries and technological advancements could have far-reaching impacts that justify the initial investment.
1. First, since space exploration may not offer direct benefits to the majority of people, the funds allocated to space exploration could potentially be utilized in other areas that have more immediate and tangible impacts on people’s lives. 钱可以用在对于老百姓有直接影响的地方更好。
2. Moreover, there is no guarantee that investments in space will lead to practical solutions for everyday problems. 投资不一定能解决日常问题,导致巨大花费没有得到应有收益。
1. First, the scientific discoveries made through space exploration have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe and lead to significant advancements in various fields. 有潜力革新我们人类对于宇宙的理解。
2. Additionally, the technological advancements developed for space exploration often find practical applications on Earth. 为航空去发展的技术在地球上也会有实际用途。
Task 1
When traveling, some people like to keep a record of their experiences--for example, by keeping a journal or by taking pictures. Other people prefer not to keep such records when traveling.
When traveling, I prefer to keep a record of my experiences. First and foremost, this helps preserve memories. Traveling often involves unique and fleeting moments that can easily fade over time. By taking photos or jotting down my thoughts, I can capture the details of those experiences and revisit them later. Moreover, photos and journal entries allow me to tell stories about my adventures, inspiring friends and family or even helping them plan their own trips. For these reasons, I find keeping records more fulfilling than traveling without documentation.
Personally speaking, I’m not willing to record my life experiences by photos or diaries. Firstly, it’s a waste of time since those photos or diaries are seldom flipped through after being taken or written down. Most people are forgetful and they are always attracted by new events and adventures. So am I. For example, I’ve never seen the photos I took when I came back from my trips. Meanwhile, since many photos or texts are now stored on the Internet through smartphones, there will be security problems. Potential criminals would probably make use of these records to make profits or even hurt our friends and family members.
Task 2
Online Math Tutoring
Task 3
Vertical Migration
Task 4
Two drawbacks of incentive pay
Task 1
Many people like to read books in an electronic format on a computer or other device. other people prefer to read paper copies of books. Which type of book do you prefer to read? Explain why.
I prefer reading paper copies of books because they offer a tactile and immersive experience. The physical sensation of turning pages and the smell of paper create a deeper connection to the text. Additionally, reading from a physical book reduces eye strain compared to screens, and I find it easier to focus without digital distractions. Paper books also don’t require batteries or internet access, making them more reliable. While e-books are convenient, the simplicity and sensory pleasure of paper books make them my preferred choice for a more enjoyable and focused reading experience.
Personally speaking, I believe it’s more beneficial for people to read books on electronic devices.
First, these devices are more lightweight than books and can be easily carried around. Readers can store thousands of books on a single device. When they are going on a trip or just stepping into a café, an electronic device like ipad is a light burden than a stack of paper books. For example, wherever I go , I would take a kindle with me , just like a library at my fingertips. Also, electronic books are relatively cheap so they can help people save money. Compared with the price of printed books, the price of e-books can be more than half cheaper. People can often buy two e-books or more for the price of one paper book.
Task 2
Exercise Videos on Gym Web Page
Task 3
Social Responsibility
Task 4
Two ways animals can protect themselves from predators while sleeping
Task 1
Should government give financial support to build museums and theaters? State your opinion and explain why.
这道题是关于政府财政分配以及文化建设的内容,是宏观题目中比较常见的方向,也经常在Discussion Board当中出现。在口语表达中,可以优先表达比较容易说明白的理由,并给与比较具体化的例子和细节。
I believe the government should provide financial support to museums and theaters. The main reason is that these institutions play a vital role in preserving history and promoting art. Museums, for instance, store historical objects that educate the public about past events, cultures, and traditions, making ensure that important stories are not forgotten. Theaters, at the same time, host performances ranging from plays to musicals, giving artists a space to express themselves and audiences the access to art. By investing in these spaces, the government supports both cultural development and public well-being.
Task 2
The "welcome to campus" App
Task 3
Social Buffering
Task 4
Two marketing strategies for small businesses
1. 工作面试
2. 关于presentation时间冲突的沟通
3. 实习school tour guide
4. 音乐课要求
1. 天文学,火星上的液态水
2. 市场营销,网络商铺和小众商品
3. 植物学,从植物种子中提取蛋白质
4. 教育学,儿童阅读能力
1. 地球的年龄
2. 金属冶炼
3. 游牧社会到农耕社会的过渡
4. 海洋上岛屿的殖民
5. 球状陨石
6. 尼罗河的绿洲