3月1日下午场托福ETS又在上午考了3套口写的基础上,再接再厉推出了2套口写进行5套混合对考生们进行疲劳轰炸。参加下午场的学生回忆的考题,既有上午场的题目,包括了托福综合写作的Ashen light 以及knees of Cypress trees,也有2套新的题目,下面我们重点给大家分析下午场托福写作的2套题,编号为第四套和第五套。
1. 过程很难且危险,实施的过程中会有损失,会影响犀牛的繁殖。
2. 一些年龄比较大的雄性犀牛被选走的话,会影响生育;如果分开了母犀牛和幼崽也会带来负面的影响。
3. 对偷猎没有影响,因为不管在哪还是会被偷猎者抓,因为他们的犄角很值钱。
1. 对比运输途中的短期危险,在南非遭到偷猎危险更大,现在的偷猎愈演愈烈。
2. 计划的执行者会很认真小心地挑选犀牛,这样会保证群体的均衡和繁殖的延续;也不会分开母犀牛和幼崽。
3. 军队会保护这个计划,更有组织和规范;另外,野外很大,偷猎者不会轻易找到犀牛群。
Dr. Gupta
This week, we'll be discussing the future of education. Let's focus now on the following viewpoint: it is no longer useful to spend many years pursuing a traditional, specialized university degree in a single field, such as communications or economics. Instead, it makes more sense for most people to complete several shorter certification programs and earn certificates in, for example, project management, computer programming, graphic design, and so on. Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint? Why?
I agree that completing short certification programs makes a lot of sense these days because people are more likely to change careers now than they were in the past.
I see the advantages of earning certificates, but I don't think that they can completely replace university degrees. Certification programs provide only superficial knowledge, while university degrees offer a well-developed and organized approach to studying.
1. Firstly, the changing job market demands an up-to-date skill set, and short certification programs provide an efficient way for us to acquire those skills. 就业市场瞬息万变,短期技能培训可以快速帮助我们获得相应技能。
2. Secondly, the demand for professionals with specialized skills is increasing rapidly. By completing short certification programs, individuals can explore their field and delve into it to gain expertise, making them more attractive to potential employers. 专业技能的需求实际上是越来越多的,所以这方面学习对雇主也会更加有吸引力。
1. Firstly, university degrees provide students with a comprehensive understanding of their field. 大学教育有助于学生全面理解自己学习的专业。
2. Secondly, university degrees teach essential practical skills that can be applied in a wide variety of areas, such as research, communication, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are highly valued by employers and contribute to long-term career success. 在大学学习过程中,学到了必要的研究和交流技能,这对于未来长期职业发展有利。
1. 地下不一定有足够空间。
2. 如果二氧化碳从地下跑出来,会危害人类健康。
3. 成本较高,因为储存过程需要新的技术以及设备运输。
1. 高温高压下可以转变为液体。
2. 研究表明只要不趴地上吸就没事,而且可以开发一种探测器。
3. 人们可以收集地下的甲烷,这样通过出售甲烷气体就可以平衡收支。
Dr. Gupta
Every generation faces a unique set of social problems that it must solve. The question is, how do we best prepare people to solve future problems? In your opinion, do we have to study history in order to solve the problems we will face in the future? Why or why not?
My concern is that history can be presented in a biased way.
I think it is essential that we study history.
1. To begin with, the future presents entirely new challenges that history cannot directly address. 未来的新挑战靠过去的知识是不能解决的。
2. In addition, historical events are often interpreted in different ways and can sometimes be misleading. 历史事件通常会以不同方式被阐释,所以有时候具有误导性。
1. First, with knowledge of history, we can avoid repeating past mistakes. 历史知识可以帮助我们避免犯同样的错误。
2. Also, history fosters critical thinking and a broader perspective so understanding the solutions of previous generations allows us to solve current problems more effectively. 历史知识可以促进我们的思维并拓宽视野,这让我们可以更加有效解决当前问题。
Task 1
In modern life, most friends stay in touch with each other by texting. Some people tend to answer texts from their friends right away, while others may not respond to them for a while. Do you think it is important for friends to respond promptly to each other's texts?
For me, it depends on the emergency and my availability. If it’s something that requires instant reply, I would definitely respond very immediately. For example, if my friend needs my help or advice, quick response shows my care to them. Otherwise, they would probably feel that they are ignored.
But if I’m occupied with something like taking a class or in a meeting, I wouldn’t check my phone constantly and would text them back when I’m available because I don’t want to be distracted, which would reduce my productivity. And sometimes I’m just not in a mood for communication.
Task 2
Recipes from Home
Task 3
Circadian Rhythm
Task 4
Cooperative learning
Task 1
Some students prefer to study for exams in the morning. Other students prefer to study in the evening. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
本题是一个比较容易从个人角度进行分析的题目,可以更多地从personal experiences 来分析,如果一定要从一个很正式或者第三方的角度分析反而很有难度,因为实在是没有太多的内容可以分析。
I prefer to study for exams in the evening. First, compared with mornings, evenings tend to be quieter. In fact, when my friends stop sending me messages online and when I am finished with computer games, I could better concentrate on my study. However, in the morning, there are always loads of things to worry about, such as the morning classes, what to eat for lunch, etc. Second, I happen to be a night person. In the morning, I am always a bit sleepy and absent-minded. Actually, my efficiency in the morning is much lower than in the evening. Studying for exams is a demanding task as you have to review all the knowledge and books and make summaries, so it’s far better to study in the evening.
I prefer mornings. First, mornings are the best time to get some real work done especially after a long night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast. In fact, when it comes to recalling all the specific details you have reviewed the night before, such as dates, definitions, numbers, etc. mornings serve as an important checkpoint. Second, night time is often associated with fatigue and sleep deprivation. Actually, by the time you settle down, it’s often too late into the night, which might affect your overall health on the long run. Maybe the next whole day could be ruined due to the lack of sleep. Therefore, I prefer studying in the morning.
Task 2
Student Musicians network
Task 3
Anticipated Regret
Task 4
Two ways whales use sound
1. 校园针织俱乐部计划
2. 讨论入侵物种对于生态影响
3. 食堂食物健康讨论
1. 政治学,地方政府财政预算
2. 天文学,外星行星以及漂浮行星的研究
3. 考古学,阿兹特克帝国的马赛克艺术
4. 文学,诗朗诵比赛Slam
5. 地质学,物理地质学和历史地质学
1. 中国唐朝货币
2. 鸟的孵蛋原理
3. 杀虫剂的介绍
4. 美国运河
5. 两栖动物的介绍
6. 自然选择的限制
7. Draravati 文明