雅思口语考试大脑一片空白? 那是因为你缺少一套清晰的答题思路!收好这份“口语万金油句式”让你轻松应对各种话题口语表达流畅自如。
1)As for as I'm concerned, I think …
2)In my opinion …
3)It seemstome(that)…
4)From where I stand, it is…
5)whatI reckon is …
6)I'd like to point out that …
7)If I may say so, this is …
8)I'm convinced that …
9)Personally,I consider …
1)well… as you know, at the moment, I'm studying at…
2)I'm preparing right now to go to university, so my short-term plan is to…
3)If I'm not successful, that is, if something goes wrong, I think I will probably… In the future Iwould like to complete a master's degree.
4)I do not know if I will… but I might be able to…
5)I feel inclined to…
1)I have a fancy for…
2)I don't think I've seen anything I like better.
3)I'm very keen on outdoor sports.
4)I've always liked fishing.
5)… is a marvelous way of spending a day off .
6)There's nothing I enjoy more than…
1)It's made of silk.
2)It had many features.
3)It's red colored with a steep roof.
1)I can still remember the time when I passed my entrance examinations. I'll never forget the time when I first went to primary school.
2)Once, when I was a college student, I went on a trip which I will never forget.
1)I felt so happy that I could jump for joy.
2)I felt like I was in heaven. It impressed me deeply.
3)I felt so depressed.
1)The first thing you should do / need to do is to plug it in.
2)First, you need to take off the lid.
3)The first step is to get the ingredients prepared.
4)Next, you should select the function you want to use.
5)After that, you should press the button.
6)Finally, switch it off by pressing the red button.
7)The last thing you need to do is to turn off the stove.
1)In my opinion there are three way of looking at it: first of all… next… then…
2)well, I think there are two(or three or more)reasons. First, I think it is part ofour culture.
3)Second, I think it's good for our economy. Finally, it gives us time to recharge and be rested for the next working year.
4)The best reason I think the examination system should change is because it prevents too many people from pursuing their dreams.
5)I can come up with about three reasons for the change in people's diets.
1)More and more people in China are learning English.
2)The environmental problem is getting more serious.
3)There has been a rapid increase offarmers moving to the cities.
4)China's population has remained about the same over the last few years.
1)Yes, computers play a big role in our lives.
2)Yes, I think it's an important issue for us in China these days.
3)Friendship is something we all take seriously.
4)In China we consider the family to be key to our society.
1)In most cases, divorce is something that both parties realize is necessary.
2)Generally(speaking), Chinese people love sports.
3)By and large, Chinese people are very respectful ofthe elderly.
4)On the whole, Chinese students receive a good education in the basics.
1)well, I know many people like it but I think it's wrong.
2)Yes, these day it is quite popular to go on these chat lines, but I think it's not very good.
3)A lot of people think the environment is getting better but frankly I think it's getting worse.
1)I'm afraid it's wrong.
2)I don't think so.
3)I'm afraid what you think about… is not quite right.
4)Sorry, that's not at all right.
1)Let me give you an example.
2)Take… for instance…
3)An example of this would be…
4)And as evidence of that…
5)Let me cite a few instances…
1)If you allow your traditional customs to disappear, this will have a very bad effect on your culture.
2)If everyone were to eat fast food, we would have a lot of health problems to deal with.
3)If animals were to disappear, we would indeed be showing our irresponsibility to the animal kingdom.
1)Glad to meet you here.
2)How nice to see you.
3)I'm glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.
4)I'm pleased to meet you.
5)It's a pleasure to meet you.
1)Could you please rephrase that question / topic?
2)I'm not exactly sure what you mean…
1)If I understand right…
2)I'm sorry if I'm being a little slow, but…?
3)I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)… ?
4)So am I right in saying… ?
5)If I've got the picture, then…
1)I'm not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…
2)That's a rather difficult question, but (maybe)…
3)I'm sorry, but I don't know much about…
1)In other words, I am…
2)And that means…
3)Let me put it another way ,…
4)what I'm suggesting is…
5)If I can rephrase that…
1)That's very kind of you. Thank you.
2)Thank you very much for giving me information.
3)well, thanks for talking to me and I wish you all the best.
4)I enjoyed talking to you.
5)It's been very helpful talking to you.