图书馆是学习生活不可缺少的部分,小组讨论(group discussion)、课程论文(coursework)、准备考试(exam preparation)这些都需要利用图书馆的丰富资源。这部分经常会考到场景词汇的拼写,如剑6中出现对reference(参考书),overduebook(超期书籍)和back issue(过期刊物)的考查,还提到recalled books, library resources, dissertation convention等与图书馆设施或资源相关的词汇。如果考生对这类相关术语不熟悉,出错的几率就比较大。
由于图书馆是大家在国外学习活动中使用频率比较高的设施,所以对此类场景相关情况的熟悉和掌握是十分有必要的。此类场景中经常考到图书借阅,书籍类别,借书期限,图书馆资源利用这些考点。无论是本科生还是研究生一般都可以凭library card一次借阅十本以上的书籍,借阅时可先利用computer搜索所需要的书籍,然后根据index的指示在书架上搜寻就可以了。另外,需要注意的是,有些书是week-loan,只能借阅一周,注意不要超期,超期就要pay a fine,一般是50p per day per book。还书时有些学校的图书馆会有专门的还书处,而有些直接把书投进return box就可以了。
图书馆内所有的设施都是可以利用的,只是如复印、打印这样的设施是收费的。通常来说,图书馆比较拥挤的时间是学期末,因为这个时候大家都在rush for the final exam,图书馆也会24h open。英国所有大学的图书馆online resources都十分丰富,有些馆之间也会合作,interlibrary services这一点也是此前听力中考查过的。
图书馆场景常考的考点主要可以划分为硬件和软件两大部分。硬件部分包括图书馆资源及设备,而软件部分主要为图书馆提供的服务。考过的图书馆资源有magazine杂志、textbook教科书和microfilm微胶片等,而常出现的服务有renew续借、recall召回和提供的课程writing class及workshop等。考生在听录音之前如果做到对相应的资源及服务有所了解,那么听录音过程中就能够对录音内容有所预期并且加深理解。
例1:剑5Test2Section1 Question4
Number of items allowed:(members of the public)_____________
原文:12 items if you are a student, however, it's only eight items for members of the public.
此题出现在Section1中,应注意排除干扰信息。题干中的限定词为members of the public,原文中先提到12 items….而后面的however, it's only eight items for members of the public才是正确答案,因此12就是干扰信息,我们需要用限定词来排除干扰信息,从而抓住正确答案。
例2:剑6Test4Section3 Question 28-30
Which THREE topics do this term's study skills workshops cover?
A. An introduction to the Internet
B. How to carry out research for a dissertation
C. Making good use of the whole range of library services
D. Planning a dissertation
E. Standard requirements when writing a dissertation
F. Using the Internet when doing research
G. What books and technical resources are available in the library
N:Er, let me see. The first one's on resources - yes, here it is. How to use the library's resources.That includes everything, not just the print and technical resources. (Q28/29/30)
T:That sounds useful, Is there anything on using the Internet?
N:Er, let's see. The one on the Internet for beginners was last term. This term it's finding research materials online(Q28/29/30).
T:That sounds interesting too, hm, what's the last one?
N:It's a worksbop on dissertations(Q28/29/30).
T:What do you mean - how to write one?
N:Er, no it's more to do with academic writing conventions, you know - writing a bibliography and how to refer to sources in your text. That sort of thing. Anyway, here's a leaflet with information about all three.
1、动作:check out登记并借出;renew 续借;overdue 过期的,迟到的;return 归还;pay a fine支付罚款
2、书的状态:available可用到的, 可得到的,可以借到的;out on loan借出的;reserved in circulation 在书库里;out of circulation借出;not for circulation不外借;closed reserved只读不借
3、借的物品:book书;newspapers报纸;video tapes录像带;journal杂志;periodicals期刊, 杂志;current issue 现期刊物;back issue过期刊物
4、借书需要证件:library card/admission card图书馆出入卡;student card学生证;library card借书卡;call slip索书单
5、图书馆各部分名称:information desk服务台;delivery/circulation desk借书台;reference (stacks)参考,参考书目;open/closed shelf开架,闭架;photocopy room复印室;Return Area还书处;students locker学生存储间;Reference Section 参考书部