干货!7月托福独立口语机经,Do you prefer to be taught by experienced teachers or new teachers who have just finished their training?重复2019.11.09/2021.08.15原题,你喜欢有经验的老师授课还是刚刚完成培训的新老师授课?
听力:Conversation,暂缺,Lecture,bio precipitation
口语:Task 1prefer to perform on the stage or watching the performance
Task 2学校要花钱买一大雕像放校园里。女生不同意,因为1)更应花钱在修缮旧的楼宇2)雕像即将占据的lawn是学生活动的重要场地
Task 3Flipped Classroom
Task 4草原狗狗
When students study these days, many of them also do other things at the same time, for example, using their phones, spending time on the Internet, or listening to music. What do you think of this and why?