Task 1
Some businesses allow employees to wear casual clothing, such as jeans. Other businesses expect employees to wear more formal clothing, such as suits. Which do you think is better? Why?
Your university is organizing a series of guest lectures. Some people think that speakers with controversial opinions should not be invited to speak at the university. Others believe that the university should feature variety of speakers, regardless of th
8月第一场考试的难度大多数同学表示还比较友好,口写题目都是相对常规的话题,但是也有考生说听力考的很抽象狠狠破防了??让我们快来看看本场具体考了哪些内容吧。 01 阅读考题回忆 01 第一套 1.Ocean and Atmosphere on Early Earth 第一段:科学家们认为地球海洋中的水主要来源于行星形成(accretion)过程,即46亿年前地球和其他太阳系行星由围绕太阳的物质碰撞聚合而成。大量水可能还在行星形成后的重轰炸期通过彗星(主要由冰组成)和其他天体撞击地球而增加。地
l 2024年7月24日(上午场)学术写作&独立口语
【独立口语】Task 1 - (社会生活类) lmagine that you live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park. To address the issue of overcrowding, the city council has proposed building a new housing complex on this last green spa