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  • 特朗普17岁孙女首次公开露面,美貌不输伊万卡,还是高尔夫冠军...


发表时间:2024-07-22 19:08:24


据外媒报道,在美国共和党全国代表大会上,特朗普宣布接受提名,正式成为共和党总统候选人。值得一提的是,在这次大会上,特朗普17岁的长孙女凯·特朗普(Kai Trump )意外亮相,上台演讲,回忆爷爷“充满爱的关怀”,希望美国人了解“我爷爷不为人知的一面”。

Donald Trump's 17-year-old granddaughter stole the show at the Republican National Convention, bringing the house down as she hinted at a future in politics.唐纳德·特朗普 17 岁的孙女在共和党全国代表大会上大放异彩,引起了全场的轰动,似乎还暗示了她未来可能从政。
Kai Trump told the huge crowd in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that she wanted to 'share a side of my grandpa that people don't often see,' including how he secretly gives candy and soda to his grandchildren.凯·特朗普在威斯康星州密尔沃基的大会上对观众说,她想“我爷爷不为人知的一面”,包括他如何偷偷给孙子孙女们糖果和汽水。


Donald Trump Jr. gave up some of his microphone time to allow his daughter to take over, explaining she had asked to address the convention in the wake of the assassination attempt on her grandfather.



'On Saturday, I was shocked when I heard that he had been shot and I just wanted to know if he was OK,' Kai said. 'It was heartbreaking that someone would do that to another person.



'A lot of people have put my grandpa through hell, and he's still standing,' she told thousands of cheering GOP delegates and party members. 'Grandpa, you are such an inspiration and I love you.'


Trump beamed as he listened to her speech.At one point he looked toward North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum seated beside him and seemed to say of his granddaughter: 'She's good!'特朗普听着她的演讲,笑得满面春风。他一度看向坐在他身旁的北达科他州州长道格·伯根,似乎在说他的孙女:“她太棒了!”

Kai went on: 'He always encourages me to be the most successful person I can be.'Obviously he sets the bar pretty high.  But who knows, maybe one day I'll catch him.'凯接着说:“他总是鼓励我成为最优秀的自己。显然,他的标准定得很高。但是谁知道呢,也许有一天我会赶上他。”
She went on: 'The media makes my grandpa seem like a different person, but I know him for who he is.  He's very caring and loving.'He truly wants the best for this country and he will fight every single day to make America great again.'“虽然在那些媒体的口中,我的爷爷好像看起来变了一个人,但我清楚知道他是谁,他充满爱,他真心希望这个国家变得更好,他的每一天也都在为让这个国家再次伟大而奋斗。”




Kai has a YouTube page dedicated to her golf game.She is only 17 but has already been tipped to become the most accomplished golfer of the Trump dynasty.



Kai has won the ladies club championship at her grandfather's golf course in Palm Beach, Florida, and has played with some of the biggest stars in the game. 



She talked on stage Wednesday about her and the former president's shared love for the game.'He calls me during the middle of the school day to ask how my golf game is going and tells me all about his,' she said to chuckles.


'When we play golf together, if I'm not on his team, he'll try to get inside of my head,' Kai continued. 'And he's always surprised that I don't let him get to me.''But I have to remind him: I'm a Trump, too.'




steal the show“抢尽风头”或“成为全场焦点”。当某人在某个场合表现非常突出,以至于吸引了所有人的注意力,使得其他人的表现显得黯然失色时,就可以用这个短语来形容。take over:接管,接替golf / ɡɒlf / n.高尔夫球运动assassination / əˌsæsɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n / n.暗杀,行刺 

championship / ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp / n.锦标赛;冠军称号